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Wednesday Newsquips

Newsquips news briefs—  Newsquips accumulate through the day, like snow —in Vancouver —again!  Please remember, this global cooling is part of the liberal-left’s “progressive” “man-made global warming” evolutionary theory of grief and stupidery.  All weather events are now directly connected to the “man-made global warming”.  In contradistinction, all Newsquips are directly connected to politics —oh hang on—that’s exactly the same as the “man-made global warming”.  So Newsquips are nuanced and complex in that way. 

1. Remember all that talk from “experts” and liberals and sundry “progressives” from the then still officially undeclared liberal-left coalition (Liberals, socialists, Bloc separatist socialists, media, academia, and Fidel Castro) during the election campaign, about Prime Minister Harper needing to outwardly and exuberantly and perhaps even artistically express his heartfelt emotional fears, and exhibit that he “feels the fears” of Canadians about what the opposition parties and the media were and still are all calling the economic “doomsday”, “nuclear freeze”, “Armageddon”, “nightmare scenario” (actual words of CBC’s “news” anchor image Nancy Wilson just yesterday)?  Well that was so yesterday.  Today in the Globe and Mail, their very own trusty pollster “expert” of the polling firm Strategery of Counciliatory de la Liberalness and Doofusosity, or whatever it’s called, informed Canadians that in a TV interview yesterday, Harper may have erred in trying to demonstrate to Canadians that he feels their fear.  Specifically, they wrote “Peter Donolo of the Strategic Counsel polling firm said Mr. Harper may have erred in trying to demonstrate to Canadians that he feels their fear.”  Tomorrow they’re doing a special feature on how Harper and the Conservatives should really have convinced Canadians that gay “marriage” is a bad idea on the basis that “like duh, it so is”. 

image  2.    Like duh, it so is, redux (front page from the intrepid editors at the Star Phoenix newspaper, right).  Thanks media.  You’re the greatest.    Tomorrow’s headline:  “Thursday Brings New Day” (with special feature on “progressive” Michael Ignatieff — “A Winner In The Making – natural governing party to make comeback?”)

3.   CBC covers for Liberals, redux—  Just now, the liberals’ state-owned (or is that “federal”-owned?) CBC Newsworld division informed Canadians that another crook in the, um, quote, “federal sponsorship” affair has been charged.  You might more properly know it as The Liberal Party Political Corruption Scandal-Gate, which was the biggest Liberal Party corruption scandal ever to be covered—and I used the word “covered” advisedly) in the liberals’ media.  Gilles-André Gosselin has been charged for bilking taxpayers between 1997 and 2004 without the wily Liberal Party finance geniuses Paul Martin – Jean Chretien – Stephane Dion—even noticing, wink. 

image  4. Windsor Star, at left:  Media dissing liberals and their election hopes? 

  5.   Ontario to get 21 more MP seats in federal House of Commons.  That’s because Ontario doesn’t wield enough power yet, in this country. 

6.   Speaking of tools… HO HO HO!  Canada’s political extreme left of Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party, which seeks to expand the “Canadian Value” of prostitution by legalizing it (I think this is in order to attract the best and brightest to our nation, and to strengthen our families —oh this should work!  …Or is this a physical and orgasmic organic “stimulus package” thing?), is in a massive blue funk today, as the liberal-left’s Supreme Court division has today bedded down a prostitution case.  Oh darn—sorry—I mean a “sex trade workers” case, because of course sex, to the liberal-left, is a “trade” just like plumbing, and whores are “sex trade workers”—thus it’s dignified.  Well I mean dignified as long as they’re unionized, the federal government operate the whore houses, and their “employers” treat them with respect.  Then in that case it’s all moral and stuff. HO HO HO!

CKNW— A landmark constitutional challenge of Canada’s prostitution laws has failed. The case was brought forward by the Pivot Legal Society on behalf of fifty unnamed sex trade workers. The only named plaintiff isn’t currently a sex trade worker, so the Judge has thrown out the case.

Pivot lawyer Katrina Pacey says the Court is being unreasonable, “For the Court to essentially demand that an individual come forward and name themselves and place themselves in that kind of jeopardy, we really think is unjust and unfair and not realistic and not reasonable.”
A trial was supposed to be held in February.

Pivot argued Canada’s prostitution laws endanger sex workers because they’re forced to work alone to avoid police detection.

Skank diddly doo.  You can’t make this stuff up. 

7.   In what might possibly be an effort to pacify conservatives (but which won’t because we’re too smart to be pacified), the Congressional inauguration committee has chosen pro-life (and pro-Prop 8 in California) evangelical pastor Rick Warren (author of one of history’s biggest-selling books, Purpose Driven Life) for Barack Hussein Obama’s inaugural invocation ceremonyAnd liberals go nuts.  Maybe some of them thought Obama meant an end to God, and are angry that actually, it seems even their messiah Obama can’t end God.  U.S. News and World Report writes an article about it, and the first reader comment is this tolerant:  “As an openly gay donor to Obama campaign … I hope EVERY queer and our friends attending the Inaugeral, TURNS THEIR BACK to Rick Warren, a salute of a single finger wouldn’t hurt …either.”  A poster at left-wing discussion forum Democratic Underground had this to say—and this was a gentle post at that site (my asterisks):  “I am fu**ing furious. This is a picture of Obama bending over for the fundie rightwingnuts, and I don’t like it. Yeah, yeah, I know all about ‘bringing us together,’ but I don’t want to be part of anything that includes this fu**er. Jesus, what a drag.”  One guy at the far-left Huffington Post site, which now moderates and screens comments by their commenters, wrote, simply, “DISGUSTING!”.  Another member of the liberal intelligentsia wrote, “the program looks perfect except that Warren mofo.. but I can see why he picked him.. to satisfy those right wing evangelical fruit cakes..”.  Another was more effusive, saying, “why is he giving this WHACK job preacher a platform, he does not even like Obama.. F. U. Rick Warren.. yes i said it about a pastor.. they are regular people too..”.  …  Charmers, those tolerant and loving and inclusive and uniting liberal-left fundamentalists, huh?.  … Of course we haven’t even heard from the CBC viewers yet.  The asterisk key on my keyboard will be worn right out after relaying those comments to you.




Joel Johannesen
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