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Monday, February 24, 2025
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Wednesday Newsquips

…Updated as I see fit through the day … new items added to bottom of entry… 

image1.   WHAT A CHAMP … The state-owned CBC’s Obama man in Washington, Henry Champ, does CBC’s 89th pro-Obama news report today (and it’s only 9:15 AM here) by analyzing… pretty much nothing.  They’re ostensibly reporting on the campaign generally, but only an idiot doesn’t see that they’re actually advertising and promoting Obama’s half-hour prime time infomercial tonight on the U.S. networks.  They’re very excited.  Just look at anchor “Nancy’s” face!  … Champ refers to Obama as “Barack”, at least 4 times.  …  I don’t recall Champ ever referring to McCain as “John”.  In fact I can’t even imagine it.  … In this report, when he did refer to McCain, he called him “McCain”.  Way to go, Champ. 

image2.    The state-owned CBC dragged-out their usual team of fair and balanced U.S. political analysts again today, for the 8,000th time.  Representing the left, the editor of one of the most left-wing outfits in North America, Rachel Sklar of the the Huffington Post.  And for balance, representing the far-left, a blogger for the far-left smear site the Daily Kos (whom they identify only as “a political author”.  Seriously).  … As they always, always do, they fawned over Barack Obama, and spent the rest of the time bashing McCain – Palin, with the usual helpful prodding (and repeated throaty laughter at the insults)  from the CBC anchor Suhana Meharchand. 

image3.    Democratic Party Congressman Jack Murtha, who called his constituents “racists”, and then explained that idiot remark by correcting himself and calling them “rednecks” instead, wasn’t covered by the liberal media here or in the U.S. very much, if at all.  Therefore today the left-wing Toronto Star starts a story (headlined “McCain’s gaffes: Fatigue or old age?”) like this, today:  WASHINGTON – When John McCain last week inadvertently labelled voters in western Pennsylvania a bunch of redneck racists, it could have been dismissed as one of those missteps that fatigued candidates make late in campaigns.  Except he is 72. It was one in a series of recent McCain flubs and references to bygone eras that have highlighted a paradox of the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign.” …  You have to trudge your way down to paragraph 13 before they explain that it was actually Murtha’s comments—and those of another Democratic bumbler—to which he was referring, and that he wasn’t expressing his own.  But don’t worry, the Toronto Star is not corruptVideo of Murtha that CBC won’t play.  Ever..

4.    I enjoyed this Rush pearl from today’s show:  “I love you, but your butt is really big and you have all kinds of other things wrong with you.” Don’t talk to your girlfriend like Democrats talk about America. … Also listen to this ad spoof from Rush’s radio show (these ad spoofs actually play during the commercial breaks if you’re a subscriber and you listen online).


Joel Johannesen
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