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“We need, most of all, to change hearts”

I’ll repeat the headline:  “We need, most of all, to change hearts”. 

President Bush supports congressional proposals, the Child Custody Protection Act and the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act,  which would require abortionists to warn some women that their unborn children will feel pain; and ban adults from helping pregnant minors cross state lines to circumvent abortion laws requiring parental notification.

“President Bush supports both pieces of legislation,” said White House deputy press secretary Trent Duffy.

The [Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act] would require abortion doctors to inform mothers how painful an abortion will be to an unborn child at least 20 weeks old and to offer anesthesia for the fetus.

President Bush said it’s part of a multifaceted effort to create a “culture of life” … “The strong have a duty to protect the weak” … “In a culture that does not protect the most dependent, the handicapped, the elderly, the unloved or simply inconvenient become increasingly vulnerable.”

“A true culture of life cannot be sustained solely by changing laws. We need, most of all, to change hearts.”

A pro-life activist Stephen Peroutka added, “That’s a tough thing to say to the 4,000 babies who will be aborted tomorrow…

“When is the right time — when public opinion polls say it’s the right time?” he asked. “Shouldn’t he be a leader and make it the right time? Let’s stop leading by public-opinion polls.” 

Wise words from a couple of wise conservatives—one a President, another a citizen.  In the United States, such debates are allowed.  Not in Canada, where there are absolutely no laws restricting abortion in any way, shape, or form, at any time (even right up to the time of delivery); and thus they’re performed daily for any reason at all, in state-run hospitals, all paid for by all taxpayers, no questions asked,  100,000 times per year, every year.

Conservatives in Canada are roundly mocked and ridiculed and condemned if they dare bring up pro-life issues;  accused of “blowing elections”;  and demonized even within their own party.  That’s how liberal this country has become.  Then some “conservatives” suggest that the Conservative Party move left—to the “center”.  It’s hideous. 

UPDATE:  Hillary Clinton last night (from a New York Times article):

“I for one respect those who believe with all their heart and conscience that there are no circumstances under which abortion should be available.”

In addition to her description of abortion as a “tragic choice” for many,” Mrs. Clinton said that faith and organized religion were the “primary” reasons that teenagers abstain from sexual relations, and reminded the audience that during the 1990’s, she promoted “teen celibacy” as a way to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies.

[…] At one point, for instance, she drew gasps from some in the audience by mentioning that 7 percent of American women who do not use contraception account for 53 percent of all unintended pregnancies.

Joel Johannesen
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