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We got the wrong guy

Gosh after all the foofaraw about the Egyptian terror suspect Mahmoud Jaballah being held on a national security certificate, we find out today that according to the liberal media, the suspect’s wife’s parents already checked him out and gave him the big thumbs up.  Back in 1986. 

Oh man!  What a waste of time then!  What an ordeal for nothing. 

“Wife of terror suspect says her parents checked him out before marriage”

See? It was a Canadian Press headline.  Golly.  Revoke that certificate and let that nice man go.

As you can see when you read it, this story was worth reporting in the news.  It clears things up for us.  This is fair and balanced reporting.  We get the terror suspect’s wife’s perspective, see?  And she’s credible.  Very! 

I looked around a bit and found some good quotes which help explain where she might be coming from.  For example, at one web site which sympathizes with the husband (whom they refer to as “Mark Jaballah” rather then “Mahmoud Jaballah” because he’s just like us, don’t you know) and his wife (whom I know they must have wanted to call “the Mrs.”!) —she was quoted as informing us that “America is the terrorist”.  The Canadian Press ran out of typewriter ribbon before getting to that statement, I guess.

Asked how she feels about the allegations against her husband, Al-Mashtouli reflects what is in many ways a world majority feeling. “We are not terrorists. America is the terrorist. My husband did nothing.”

Ah OK then.  Silly us.  We’ve got it all wrong.  Again—we got the wrong guy—it’s Bush and America that should be in prison, see?  Note that the authors remind us that her words reflect what is, “in many ways”, a “world majority feeling”.  Well as long as it’s a feeling then!  Call ‘em terrorists!  Lock ‘em up! 

Luckily (and this is beside the point but might be worthwhile for note-taking purposes by the liberal media for a future liberal media article), liberals are against prisons, favoring the idea of letting criminals “re-integrate back into society” so that they can “rehabilitate” themselves.  So Bush and American will be out in no time, even though they’re “terrorists” —without having had a trial.  See how that all works? 

(Hat tip to Hedplug for the Canadian press article)

Joel Johannesen
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