Always always always read Mark Steyn’s column. You can find it in the Washington Times and the Chicago Sun-Times, weekly, and more Canadian-style, in the Western Standard magazine if you subscribe (it’s worth it just for that).
By Mark Steyn
June 12, 2006Here are four news stories from the last week: Baghdad: Abu Musab Zarqawi found himself on the receiving end of 500 pounds of U.S. ordnance.
London: Scotland Yard arrested a cell of East End Muslims allegedly plotting a sarin attack in Britain.
Toronto: The Mounties busted a cell of Ontario Muslims planning a bombing 3 times more powerful than Oklahoma City.
Mogadishu: An al Qaeda affiliate, the “Joint Islamic Courts,” took control of the Somali capital, displacing “U.S.-backed warlords.”
The world divides into those who think the above are all part of the same story and those who figure they’re strictly local items of no wider significance deriving from various regional factors:
• In Baghdad and London, fury at Bush-Blair neocon-Zionist-Halliburton warmongering;
• In Toronto, fury at Canadian multiculti-liberal-pantywaist warmongering … no, wait, that can’t be right. It must be frustration among certain, ah, ethno-cultural communities at insufficiently lavish massive government social programs, to judge from the surreal conversation on NPR’s “Morning Edition” between Renee Montagne and the city’s mayor;
• And in Mogadishu, well, that’s just one bunch of crazy Africans killing another bunch of crazy Africans—who the hell can figure that out? If Bono holds a celebrity fund-raising gala, we’ll all be glad to chip in 20 bucks. …
If you choose to believe that, as Tip bin Neill might have put it, “all jihad is local,” so be it. You can listen to NPR discussions on whether Canada’s jihadist health-care programs are inadequately funded, and I’m sure you’ll be very happy. But out in the real world, it seems the true globalization success story of the 1990s was the export of ideology from a relatively obscure part of the planet to the heart of every Western city.
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