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VIDEO: Operation Mission Worthy - 05: New TV ad to counter liberal-leftist smear campaign in U.S.

I’ll make this Part Five in my series—an effort to help fill the leadership vacuum in Canada insofar as explaining the war on terror to Canadians—liberals, mostly, but many others too. 

treasonous liberal-leftists of the George Soros-funded and their despicable adMy little series is called Operation Mission Worthy to give it the tone of a military mission.  That way, the pacifist, blinkered and close-minded ideological far left (the likes of Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party and other liberals who hate military missions designed to protect our families, and our nation’s freedom, to fight terrorism, to do our duty in encouraging and building democracy and freedom in other parts of the world, and to enhance the rights of oppressed women and children abroad) —won’t waste my bandwidth by bothering to watch it.

I liked this TV ad response (below) from the sane people at to the treasonous liberal-leftists of the George Soros-funded and their despicable ad (seen at left) which, as I’ve told you, appeared as a full-page ad in the liberals’ New York Times (for which the Times gave them a discounted price).  It appeared on the day that General Petraeus was about to embark on revealing the Report to the nation (again, note that this was in advance of the Report—a Report which showed progress in Iraq, progress which liberals are against).

(Carefully click the lower left play arrow to play within PTBC –
otherwise it takes you to YouTube

Incidentally, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani embarrassed and cajoled the Treason Times into giving him the same discounted rate for an ad of his own to counter the liberal treason ad. 
Click to see a bigger, legible size
click to see bigger

And he and his campaign have this excellent Internet ad running now:
(Flash Player may be required – click arrow at lower left to play.)

Nonetheless, is already readying a similarly treasonous ad for TV to start airing next week, this time attacking the President of the United States.

Here in Canada—almost nobody in positions of political leadership or in the media spends any time explaining or vociferously speaking to the necessity —the absolute requirement —that Canada join the fight in earnest and stay in the fight until the fight is won—no matter how long it takes, in the war on Islamofascism and Islamist terror. Instead, liberals here constantly question the mission and cast aspersions on the mission we are already engaged in, in Afghanistan, and demand our pathetic surrender as a nation—our values—and the outcome—be damned.  They constantly seek to reduce our nations’ resolve—possibly having the effect of reducing the resolve of our heroic fighting men in the battlefield.  They constantly find new ways of demeaning Canada and its role in the world, and lower the bar, every day, for Canada. It’s a disgrace.  Stephane Dion and Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe are a disgrace.

Here’s the whole Operation Mission Worthy series so far.


Joel Johannesen
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