Saturday, September 7, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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VIDEO: Liberal Media Dummitude Classic o’ the Week

(For reference, read our columnist Ann Coulter’s latest about this).

Little Green Footballs blogger Charles Johnson says, in an entry perfectly headlined “Clueless MSM Moment of the Week”: 

“A cornucopia of idiocy on MSNBC, as Contessa Brewer compares the six airport imams to (who else?) Rosa Parks. Hands down, the most ridiculous commentary I’ve seen on television all week.”


(Of course he doesn’t see Canada’s state-run media or our other liberalvision up here, but yes, I heartily agree with him).

Click the PLAY arrow at bottom left of viewer
to watch this idiocy

—the Rosa Parks reference is just before the 3:00 mark.

(YouTube Video player requires free Flash Player but you probably already have it.)

In a another (related) entry today he reminds readers:

Just for the record, since mainstream media is utterly uninterested in it, Omar Shahin [one of the imams] claims that Muslims did not participate in the September 11 attacks, he’s linked to KindHearts (a “charity” that was shut down because of connections to Hamas), and has admitted ties to Osama bin Laden: Minneapolis Airport Incident Update.

I can see how you might have missed the story so here’s one link but blogs like Little Green Footballs are far more comprehensive in coverage of actual world events.  Also, read our columnist Ann Coulter’s latest about this.



Joel Johannesen
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