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Veiled Muslim voting deniers like me.


In my previous post, which was about this very subject, I suggested that the insane decision by the liberals’ Elections Canada division to allow veiled voting by Muslim women —could be the tip of the Islamist iceberg.  The Canadian Coalition for Democracies agrees.  Here’s their latest news release:

CCD applauds PM, raises concerns about government enforcement of sharia practices

For Immediate Release
September 10, 2007

Ottawa, Canada – The Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD) applauds Prime Minister Stephen Harper for taking a stand against exempting one religious group from the requirement of photo identification when voting.

“Prime Minister Harper is right to demand that all voters, regardless of their religion, be equal before the ballot box,” said Alastair Gordon, CCD President. “Permitting or accommodating the anonymity of a full Muslim veil or burqa at a polling station undermines the integrity of our electoral system.”

On April 19, Sun media reported that “Elections Canada has begun to contact Muslim organizations to gauge their feelings on how to accommodate veiled women if photo identification becomes necessary to cast a federal ballot… Sameer Zuberi, with the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, said he spent 30 minutes on the telephone with an Elections Canada representative on Tuesday.” Following this consultation, Elections Canada appears to have bowed to sharia standards, agreeing to exempt women with face coverings, including full burqas, from the accepted practice of photo identification to which all other voters are, and should be, subjected.

“The risk is that once such a principle is accepted, we will face radical demands for its consistent application in other areas of our lives,” added Gordon. “Having said that photo ID is not required for one religious group for a transaction as important as voting, the same demand for sharia privileging can be made for driver’s licenses, passports, airport security passes, and other accepted mechanisms of personal accountability and public safety.”

A bedrock principle of our successful democracy is that people are open and identifiable. That openness has helped create the relatively safe, tolerant, pluralistic society that we enjoy today. Cloaked voting clearly breaches this principle.

“By agreeing to bend our electoral system to sharia demands, we not only undermine our democratic system, but create a precedent that will have potentially deadly consequences if extended into areas of public safety and national security,” added Gordon.

The Canadian Coalition for Democracies expresses special concern about reports that some public officials’ might favour a “solution” calling for fully-veiled voters to raise their veils exclusively to female electoral officials for identification purposes. Any such approach would constitute a grossly unacceptable enforcement of sharia gender sensibilities and inequalities by government personnel and processes. It would undermine gender equality and electoral integrity, and represent a constitutionally unacceptable affront to the human rights of male officials barred from the performance of their duties on this account.


For more information, contact
David Harris, Senior Fellow for National Security
Canadian Coalition for Democracies

For an index of CCD in the Media, please visit:

Don’t forget this and any number of the liberals’ other grand “progressive” ideas at voting time, every election time.  And please remember—these are the people who want to set up a nationalized daycare (and “early learning” —wink!) program to look after your children.

Liberals run the newspapers too.  Did you know that?  Here’s an editorial from the editorial board of the Montreal Gazette ( – CanWest MediaWorks, which also publishes:

  * National Post
  * Victoria Times Colonist
  * The Province (Vancouver)
  * Vancouver Sun
  * Edmonton Journal
  * Calgary Herald
  * Regina Leader-Post
  * Saskatoon StarPhoenix
  * Windsor Star
  * Ottawa Citizen
  * DOSE
  * Vancouver Island Newspapers
  * VANNET Newspapers)
  * And runs the Global TV network

…In Canada, the issue is hardly on the radar in any other province. Much of Quebec is so exercised about the issue, we suspect, not because of any concern over womens’ rights but simply because the idea of visible minority communities is still rather new in parts of this province.

Elections Canada should not back down. The new rule, even though few people if any called for it, is just an attempt to be fair and accommodating.

This kind of myopic thinking—this sheer liberal arrogance, and provincial thinking, and what really boils down to abject stupidity, astounds people in the sensible set—even the jaded ones like me.

(Hat tip to Maureen for spotting the Gazette material and sending it along… as well as the one below…)


Muslim Canadian Congress News Release:

Muslim Canadian Congress demands Elections Canada rescind its Burqa Decision

“Allowing masked voters, a rude joke,” says MCC President

TORONTO – The Muslim Canadian Congress has asked Elections Canada to immediately rescind its recent decision allowing Muslim women in burqa and niqaab to vote in the upcoming federal by-elections in Quebec.

In a letter to Marc Mayrand Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, MCC president Farzana Hassan said, “unless the intention of Elections Canada is to paint Canada’s Muslim community in a negative light, we demand that this silly provision allowing masked women to vote, be rescinded immediately. The sanctioning of the burqa and niqaab as Islamic attire is a rude joke, and insult to Muslim Canadians.”

The MCC president said, “Covering the face is not an Islamic religious requirement.” She said there is no express injunction in the Quran, which exhorts Muslim women to cover up entirely, therefore no such faith accommodation is necessary. “The covering of a woman’s face is a Saudi tribal practise intended to ensure women are treated like chattel, not equal human beings,” she added.

Even the liberal readers of the liberals’ Globe and Mail show some common sense and an almost “pro-Canadian” fervor.

Globe and Mail poll

I think Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion should be called on to answer for this liberal-left-induced multicult insanity.  The you’ve got to be kidding party’s Jack Layton too.


Prime Minister Harper appointed the Elections Canada commissioner.


Joel Johannesen
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