A story in the Vancouver Sun today includes the following lines, complete with the explanatory notes about the National Citizens Coalition, after a socialist politician fancifully advanced the notion:
Adrian Dix, the provincial NDP health critic, also blasted the minister, accusing him of distorting the evidence regarding Insite. “The evidence is in—the safe injection site is working,” he told reporters. “The federal minister of health should be showing leadership and instead he’s got some sort of message box from the National Citizens Coalition.”
(The coalition is a right-leaning organization that lobbies for free enterprise and small government. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a former president.)
Poor NDP! It’s as if everything has to be so political and ideological and everything!
I mean as the
NDP political party
guy said, he’s got “a message”…. and it just happens to be the right message. One that isn’t from Marxist union bosses and feminists organizations, the enormous gay rights industry reps, giant global environut interest groups, or the pot-smoking while enjoying a prostitute lobby.
Of course the Vancouver Sun never saw fit to include a bracketed explanation about the NDP and the fact that despite how they present themselves, it’s a far, hard-left leaning organization that lobbies for socialism at every turn, no matter the consequences or rationale, and whose members are socialist blowhards who seek to end capitalism as we know it and replace it with a global socialist order.
They might also have mentioned that the National Citizens Coalition, notwithstanding the Sun’s obvious editorial about their being “right-leaning”, also happens to stands for those things that built our country: free enterprise and small government, among other such normal things. That’s not “right-leaning” to my way of thinking—that’s just normal. It’s only “right leaning” if you’re left—or far-left—leaning.
The Globe and Mail actually made me laugh. Their headline on largely the same story: “Science, not politics must decide fate of safe injection site: Doctors”.
Doctors reserved judgment on the liberal-left’s ideologically-driven North Korean-style socialist healthcare system which was created by and is maintained (against all better judgment and copious volumes of scientific/economic proof) by politicians from the left and far left… and compliant citizens’ cash.
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