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U.S. liberals erase all poll gains; guess what they blame!

Don’t worry:  ABC News reports on sagging Democratic fortunes by blaming… the Iraq war.

Democrats Lose Their Edge

June 4, 2007

The Democrats in Congress have lost much of the leadership edge they carried out of the 2006 midterm election, with the lack of progress in Iraq being the leading cause. Their only solace: President Bush and the Republicans aren’t doing any better.

image They’re pretty quick to turn the bad-news-for-Democrats story into a Bush’s bad approval numbers aren’t any better story (second sentence:  “…President Bush and the Republicans aren’t doing any better”!). 

But wait:  Are they unwittingly exposing the political truth about liberals here?  “Their only solace”?  Liberals don’t want to do better in Iraq!  Their “only solace” isn’t that “the Republicans aren’t doing any better”—it’s that Iraq isn’t doing better according to popular notion!  If lots of progress was being made, and it was actually reported fairly, the Democrats would be doing even worse—winning in Iraq means they’d be doomed—and they know it.  Lack of visible progress in Iraq should be a boon to Democrats.  That’s exactly why liberals want America lose in Iraq.  Canadian liberals feel exactly the same way—perhaps even more so, since many liberals in Canada simply hate Americans—all of them.

And actually, if they really considered progress in Iraq as “solace”, which they don’t, they’d find it:  progress is being made in Iraq according to the Generals on the ground and others, as a result of the just-getting-started surge.  Perhaps THAT’s one of the real reasons Democrats aren’t doing better (lots of Democrats watch Fox News Channel). 

I also note that according to their read, the president’s approval ratings remain at a low 35 percent, and yet they fail to add to that sentence: the approval rate for the Democrat-controlled Congress “aren’t doing any better” either…  at 39 percent.  Instead, they zoom-in on how Republicans, specifically, are doing in Congress (36 percent).  And that’s just so biased it’s literally funny. 

Read it and laugh at the abject bias: 

Yet the Democrats’ losses have not produced much in the way of gains for Bush or his party. The president’s approval rating remains a weak 35 percent, unchanged from mid-April at two points from his career low in ABC News/Washington Post polls. The Republicans in Congress do about as badly, with just 36 percent approval.

CANADIANS:  Incidentally, the President is at a low approval rating—no doubt.  35 percent is dismal, if, that is, you totally forget that war is a major downer for any president, particularly when the liberal media focuses on doom and gloom and so obviously want to lose the war; and they constantly fail to speak about the booming economy in spite of it all, for example.  But even at 35 percent, that makes Bush a veritable rock star compared to the Liberals in Canada, which polls at roughly the same number—sometimes significantly lower; and the Liberal Frenchman Stephane (the “Green Guru”) Dion polls way lower than the stupid stupid President Bush, by a large country mile (or 1.3 kilometres for you liberals).  The difference here is that Bush isn’t running again; Dion is running for his life. 

Latest Leger Marketing poll indicates Liberal Frenchman Stephane Dion polls at 12 percent —in Quebec yet!

Joel Johannesen
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