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United Church in latest idiocy

This is another reason why Christians like me don’t like the United Church of Canada, um, Party and Left-Wing Lobby and Special Interest Group. 

Headline today: “United Church helped fund ‘anti-Jewish’ group”.

I liked this part of the article for the shear public revelation of its politics:

”…Also present at the 2008 conference were representatives from the Canadian Arab Federation and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, according to an event news release. …”

I’m surprised the extreme leftist Canadian Union of Public Employees, um, Party and Left-Wing Lobby and Special Interest Group, and its boss Sid Ryan, who sounds very much like a communist to me,  hasn’t unionized all the United Church clergy and its political research staff yet.  They do all seem like-minded in every which way.  Maybe they’re battling it out with the CAW, which the clergy in the Ontario branch of the United Church once approached to help them unionize for better wages and working conditions (true story).  Maybe they could put tires on GM cars after church.  Or even instead of church, since we’re talking about the United Church.

Maybe their brethren at the NDP division will sort it out for them.  Maybe they’ll all sit down and discuss it over something besides bottled water which the United Church has banished and decided to boycott as sacrilegious, or something, which of course it is if you’re a total nutbar.

United Church helped fund ‘anti-Jewish’ group

By Kathryn Blaze Carlson

The United Church of Canada helped finance the founding event of a controversial new Jewish organization that challenges mainstream Jewish groups and supports a boycott of Israel.

The United Church’s national office confirmed to the National Post it had donated $900 to the March 2008 conference that led to the creation of Independent Jewish Voices. The contribution, which paid 10% of the event’s costs, was intended to defray travel expenses for the meeting and should not be considered seed money for the alternative Jewish group, a United Church official said.

Told of the funding arrangement, the Canadian Jewish Congress said it was “shocking, outrageous, shameful and scandalous” that a Christian church had financially backed an event aimed at forming such an organization.

“That a mainstream Christian faith group would provide funding to create an anti-Zionist, and anti-Jewish group is absolutely astounding,” CEO Bernie Farber said.

“Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot and the Canadian Jewish Congress or another mainstream Jewish organization were to have funded a Christian group to be critical of the United Church of Canada.”

Not a fan of the CJC either.  I think these wrong-headed or badly led political organizations will be hoist by their own petard in due course.

Joel Johannesen
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