More grist for the dismantle the leftist, corrupt, giant United Nations mill:
I’ve blogged about this sort of thing going on before—for years. Meaning the people doing it, the United Nations, are in favor of doing it, otherwise they’d have stopped it. Instead they act just like a liberal-leftist government and keep promising to fix it. They act a little like someone else we know, who was “mad as Hell” about it and promised to fix it. (Hat tip: Marc)
Aid workers giving girls food for sex in Liberia: report
The aid agency Save the Children says foreign workers and peacekeepers are sexually exploiting young girls in Liberia, despite pledges to stamp out such abuse.
Girls as young as eight are being forced by local and international agency workers to have sex in exchange for food, according to a report called From Camp to Community: Liberia Study on Exploitation of Children, released Monday.
“These children were engaging in sex for money for education, for food for the day, or even for something as small as a ride,” said Save the Children spokeswoman Emilia Brookstein.
The United Nations promised to put safeguards in place after sexual abuse in the refugee camps of West Africa was first revealed four years ago.
[…] “During distribution [of food and goods], when these people have interest in some of the girls, the authorities serve them very fast,” one interviewee told Save the Children.
“After the distribution, they would arrange an appointment with these girls.”
The report said that among the abusers were officials from the UN’s World Food Program and UN peacekeepers, as well as wealthy businessmen from communities near camps that house children internally displaced by Liberia’s civil war.
Can you say “bullsh*t?”
I bet you can. I’ll help: This has been going on for YEARS at the United Nations. Every time it’s brought up, someone at the U.N. says they’re going to seriously crack-down on it. They sound like every liberal-leftist government in the world when caught with their pants down.
“There is a zero tolerance for this kind of behaviour in an organization like the World Food Program, as indeed there is in any United Nations organization,” said World Food Program spokesman Greg Barrow.
“We have to investigate exactly who was involved, which organizations were involved,” Barrow said.
“You can rest assured that if any guilt is identified at the end of the day, action will be taken to terminate that relationship immediately and steps will be made to make sure that those people do not find themselves in these positions of power that they can abuse again.”
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