Saturday, May 18, 2024

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U.N. Manipulating U.S. Election?

The story of the “missing weapons” wins the award as one of the most poignant displays of overtly biased nonsense the news media has perpetuated during this presidential election.  It will be recorded and replayed—way down the road—as another example among the many which explain how the old, mainstream media as we now know it, started a downward spiral into discredited oblivion. 

But it seems it’s compounded by an additional bigger, much more insidious and nefarious issue, and the story is exactly the one that’s been rumbling through my head since I started figuring out that there were questions about the original New York Times story.  It is explained very well in an article called “U.N. Manipulating U.S. Election?” by Clifford D. May.  Here’s some tidbits from it:

The story was soon all over the television news. Melissa Fleming, the spokeswoman of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), went on CNN to add fuel to the spreading fire over U.S. “responsibility” for the “lost” explosives.

There was only one problem with the story: There was not a shred of evidence that it was true.


Looters could not have stuffed 380 tons of explosives into their pockets and purses. To transport that much material would have required about 38 large trucks – 10 tons per truck. Before the U.S. invasion, such truck convoys moved about Iraq freely. Once the United States was in occupation, that kind of effort could hardly have gone unnoticed.

So this is a murky story at best and one has to wonder how the Times came to publish it on its front page, just days before the presidential election. The most likely source: Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the IAEA. Why might he want to plant such a story?

“The U.S. is trying to deny ElBaradei a second term,” a high U.S. government official told me. “We have been on his case for missing the Libyan nuclear-weapons program and for weakness on the Iranian nuclear-weapons program.”

ElBaradei also opposed the liberation of Iraq and objects to Washington’s tough stance regarding Iran’s attempts to develop nuclear weapons. He would like nothing better than to see President Bush defeated next week.

In other words, a senior U.N. official may have attempted to influence the outcome of an American election by spreading false information. And major U.S. media outlets allowed themselves to be manipulated in pursuit of that goal. Call it “Bomb-gate.” Or “Al Qaqaa-gate.” – but don’t expect the elite media to seriously pursue this or any other scandal in which they themselves may be implicated.

Caught up in the political spin, the major media also have failed to ask this pertinent question: Why did Saddam have the kinds of explosives favored by terrorists – and why was he permitted to keep them?

[Well worth reading the rest of this article…]

(Bolding added by Joel)

Joel Johannesen
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