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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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UK Dhimmis appease Muslims at all costs, while insulting intelligence of Christians and all of UK

Sounds like Canada and all liberal-left-dominated nations!

Thanks to the still sane and fair-minded Jean B. who sent this complimentary couple of telegraphic articles in, both from the Telegraph in the UK…

Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule
Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene rules introduced by the NHS to restrict the spread of hospital superbugs.

Female staff who follow the Islamic faith will be allowed to cover their arms to preserve their modesty despite earlier guidance that all staff should be “bare below the elbow”.

The Department of Health has also relaxed rules prohibiting jewellery so that Sikh members of staff can wear bangles linked with their faith, providing they are pushed up the arm while the medic treats a patient.

The Mail on Sunday reported the change had been made after female Muslims objected to being required to expose their arm below the elbow under guidance introduced by Alan Johnson when he was health secretary in 2007.

The rules were drawn up to reduce the number of patients who were falling ill, and even dying, from superbugs such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile. 

Derek Butler, chairman of MRSA Action UK [the hospital superbug task force] said, “Scrubbing bare arms is far more effective.” …

…But wait.  The expert liberal PC diversity appeasers weren’t done yet…

Christian nurse who refused to remove crucifix loses tribunal
A Christian nurse who was moved to a desk job after refusing to remove her crucifix has lost a claim for discrimination.

Shirley Chaplin, 54, took the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust Hospital to an employment tribunal, claiming that taking off a necklace bearing a crucifix would ‘‘violate her faith’‘.

The trust said the move was not specifically about the crucifix, but about health and safety concerns about patients grabbing necklaces.

John Hollow, the chairman of the employment tribunal panel, found against Mrs Chaplin, who had worn the emblem throughout her 30 years as a nurse. 

John Hollow, the chairman of the employment tribunal panel, found against Mrs Chaplin, who had worn the emblem throughout her 30 years as a nurse. … He said the damage to her was ‘‘slight’’ and noted that wearing a crucifix was not a requirment of the Christian faith. …

Vote liberal —or even further left.  Get more politically-correct, mindless, multi-cult, Muslim-appeasing insanity like this.

Joel Johannesen
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