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Trust in everybody going down. Thanks Liberals!

The CBC commissioned another poll with your tax dollars.  Oh thank God! 

I think they do this anytime the liberal-left is under attack.  The poll results in this case are designed—simply by virtue of the questions asked or the statements that they beg you to agree with—to show that not only do people not trust the Liberals, they don’t trust ANYBODY—so therefore, the Liberals aren’t doing so bad, vote liberal, shut up and vote liberal you silly man/woman/transgendered.

For example, this is how one of the scientific stats were gathered in the big poll:  [P]eople polled agreed with the statement “you don’t really expect that politicians will keep their election promises once they are in power.”  No I’m serious.

You don’t REALLY expect that, now do you, you dumb canooks?

As a matter of fact, declining trust in our nation’s leaders is symptomatic of a country being led by crooks who are entirely corrupt.  There!  I figured it out without the state-run CBC commissioning a fancy shmancy poll!  Of course the results aren’t what some would like…

Trust in politicians, other leaders slipping: poll

TORONTO – Canadians have grown increasingly dissatisfied with all politicians, with nearly two-thirds saying they have little or no trust in their political leaders, according to an Environics poll commissioned by the CBC.


Although trust in politicians continues to deteriorate, confidence in business and religious leaders has also dropped.

But the poll suggests that Canadians are directing most of their dissatisfaction at all politicians. Of those surveyed, 65 per cent said they have little or no confidence in Canada’s political leaders. That’s up seven percentage points from a similar survey in 2004.

Asked which party would be best suited to run a government with honesty and integrity, 17 per cent of those polled picked the Liberals — down five percentage points from the same time last year.

The Conservatives came in at 22 per cent — the same level as last year. The NDP, however, was picked by 23 per cent — up four points from last year. But 23 per cent of those polled said none of the parties is best able to run a government with honesty and integrity, an increase of five percentage points from last year.

Not surprisingly, thanks to this poll commissioned by liberal pollsters by the state-run liberal media, we can see that trust in the media is higher than trust in any of the three parties to lead our government with honesty and integrity.  This, according to the crack polling team.  That’s because the media is so honest and full of integrity.  Didja know that?

Trust in the media still remained low. One in three people polled said they had little or no confidence in the media — unchanged from a year earlier. Only 11 per cent had a great deal of confidence in what the media had to say.

Political scientist Joyce Green said much of what the media report feeds the distrust the public has for politicians.

“As the media gives us simplistic stories about complex issues, we’re going to have a public that thinks simplistic and ultimately cynical about engaging in the public process,” Green told CBC News.

… and I could therefore also conclude, as Ms. Green could have, that as the media gives us simplistic lies and they exhibit excruciating bias against conservatives, Canadians are going to be “ultimately cynical” about conservatives.  But they didn’t poll for that specifically.  Shocka!

For their next poll, to be conducted after more sworn testimony at the Gomery Inquiry, the state-run media will ask these questions:

1. Exactly how freaked-out ARE you of Mr. Scary Harper?
2. Do you think Canadians will EVER figure out what the “Hidden Agenda” is?
3. Do you want the country to be taken over by the “religious-right”?
4. Would you be in favour of “the rich” paying more so you could get more stuff?
5. Is George Bush a liar or just a moron?
6. Just exactly how right was it for Belinda Stronach to leave the Conservatives?

…and more!

Joel Johannesen
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