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Today’s must read

(Aside from every single word posted here at, clearly.)

Today’s must read is right up our alley here.  It succinctly (2 minutes of reading) explains the abhorrent failure of liberalism.

It’s hard to find just the right snippet because every sentence is good. 

Failure of an idea
… and a people

by Patrick J. Buchanan
WorldNet Daily
Posted: September 14, 2005

In his 1935 State of the Union Address, FDR spoke to a nation mired in the Depression, but still marinated in conservative values:

“[C]ontinued dependence” upon welfare, said FDR, “induces a spiritual disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole our relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.”

Behind FDR’s statement was the conviction that, while the government must step in in an emergency, in normal times, men provide the food, clothing and shelter for their families.

[…] The real disaster of Katrina was that society broke down. An entire community could not cope. Liberalism, the idea that good intentions and government programs can build a Great Society, was exposed as fraud. After trillions of tax dollars for welfare, food stamps, public housing, job training and education have poured out since 1965, poverty remains pandemic. But today, when the police vanish, the community disappears and men take to the streets to prey on women and the weak.

Stranded for days in a pool of fetid water, almost everyone waited for the government to come save them. They screamed into the cameras for help, and the reporters screamed into the cameras for help, and the “civil rights leaders” screamed into the cameras that Bush was responsible and Bush was a racist.


Joel Johannesen
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