Friday, September 20, 2024

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Tim Hortons bows to gay/liberal/political-correctness: drops pro-marriage support, keeps CBC support

Tim Hortons bows to pressure from liberals and their political correctness useful idiots brigade (also known as liberal-left bloggers, liberal-left media, and the further left CBC), and obediently drops support for a normal traditional marriage and family advocacy group. 

Huh.  That’s progressive

I’m pretty sure the next move I’d make as Tim Hortons would be to drop my financial/advertising support for the state-owned, socialism-reliant, arguably rabidly anti-conservative and liberal-left advocating media, to the degree that I could, since that’s a huge part of the problem.  In other words, I’d stop advertising Tim Hortons on the CBC, as I had been. 

Yes the irony of this story may be lost on most people, but while the state-owned, socialism-reliant, agenda-driving CBC relies on Tim Hortons and their pliable, weak-kneed corporate ilk to support them financially with their advertising, Tim Hortons is now actually getting flamed by them.  Flamingly flamed.  Screwed, actually, I’d say, on many levels. 

you might want to consider pushing back yourselves, conservatives It’s something which will never cease to amaze me as a normal, freedom-loving, traditional, free-market Canadian.  Tim Hortons not only supports the CBC’s leftist and near-fascist political-correctness advocacy, but also the promulgation of socialism and socialism-reliant pseudo-business enterprises owned by a government which competes against its own citizens;  and of course they are thereby supportive of a state-owned, quasi state-run news media in this country.  Maybe they deserve what they get.  They’re paying for it, after all.

As those of you who have cheered me on for launching my PUSH BACK campaign know, I’m advising Canadians of some of the advertisers on the CBC and its web sites and its numerous other state-owned properties, who are therefore supporters of the socialism-reliant and state-owned and liberal advocacy media in this country.  Tim Hortons is on my list as an advertiser on the CBC web site.  Which we can now see is of course preposterous on several levels, not the least of which is Horton’s own corporate governance level, and their own marketing level.  I’d drop my Tim Hortons ads on the CBC quicker than they could serve me one of their donuts. 

The story is from yesterday, yet it's still somehow in today's big headlinesAll the politically-correct and flamingly liberal media in Canada is delighted with the news item, which is actually from yesterday but which they’re straining to carry over into today (see CBC’s headlines on their site today, at right, and the TV coverage today too, below left), pretending it’s still the top of today’s news, in order to milk it as much as possible, all simply to help drive their agenda against traditional marriage advocates. 

Tim Hortons is 'back[ing] out of 'anti-gay' [then, a line break] marriage eventOr as the leftist CBC mind warping editors managed to put it, Tim Hortons is “back[ing] out of anti-gay [then, a line break] marriage event.”  (See actual headline at left.)

Yes, “anti-gay” is their point. 

Like liberals who call their opponents “Nazis” or “radical right-wingers” or any of their menu of non-liberal monikers, that’s how the CBC and all leftists purposely write it in their headline and stories, adding a hyphen between anti and gay, in order to make out like anybody who is opposed to “gay marriage” (like me), is in fact “anti-gay”, rather than being opposed only to “gay marriage” and supportive of traditional marriage to the exclusion of all else.  I’m not sure how you write it, but it’s their problem to get it right and to not mislead people, which is what they’re doing, on purpose.  Suggestion:  “Pro-marriage”.  That’s how I write it.  But then I’m advocating for the other side, and I’m not the state-owned news media, and so I’m allowed to do that.  Or suggestion two: lose the attitude, the agenda, pretend you’re a news outfit rather than a propaganda outfit, get real, respect all your patrons…

CBC covers yesterday's stories today, with a CBC reporter on the big scene of the crimeThey in the liberal-left media think it’s a fabulous Canadian story by virtue of Tim Horton being a hockey player (we’re canooks, see?), and their fanciful notion that gay marriage is a uniquely Canadian phenomenon which is also presumed by them — or at least held out as such in order to mislead people — to be some sort of a universal good accepted —no, embraced—by all sane people, just like the hockey, see.  Otherwise you are of course deemed to be a dumb cluck; you’re possibly a “Neanderthal” (that’s a favorite word); quite possibly a Nazi (hi Mizzz Pelosi!); and moreover, someone they’ll derisively castigate as a conservative, which they’ll naturally, almost reflexively preface with the words “extreme right-wing” or “radical”, since there is apparently no other kind;  or worse for them, a damn Christian to boot. 

Oh and also, according to at least one CBC reader/commenter/CBC fan on the CBC’s version of the story (and I quote):  a “mouth breather” (that’s code for a conservative, a Christian, or anyone with whom they disagree).  And according to others, Tim Hortons are “hate” sponsors and “zealots”, (betraying more than a little psychological projection on the part of the accuser).  One CBC fan named “freebeer” wrote that “They clearly have a corporate marketing strategy that embraces the ‘support the troops’ crowd.”  Oh the horrors!  Support the troops?  Yuk!  Nazis!  Maybe “freebeer” joins in sentiment the other CBC fan who infamously wrote, regarding the death of a Canadian soldier fighting in Afghanistan, “THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE”.  I hope Tim Hortons caught that one too, after checking to ensure their fantastic advertising buy was in place at the terrific CBC site of love and unity. 

The liberal-leftists and their media also celebrate this “news” because once again, a group supporting normal marriage is losing support from a sponsor — manifestly a non-government sponsor, which if I understand correctly, would otherwise be evil in and of itself because all community events like gay pride parades must be state-sponsored, and for once this one wasn’t!  That ain’t liberal!  The “news” story at the CBC and elsewhere is supposed to serve as an object lesson in how effective it is to bitch, complain, and shout-down (in this case, from a state-owned bully pulpit) anybody caught not supporting their political and social agenda instead.  It’s a sort of “get out the vote” lesson, demonstrating the positive result. 

Conservatives don’t play that game very well yet, as we can see from the government and corporate sponsorship of absolutely everything that offends conservatives and other normal Canadians on every level.  And notwithstanding my own PUSH BACK campaign, among others such efforts.

The fabulously pink state-owned CBC somehow managed to secure quotes for their “news” story from what they now apparently deem to be a perfectly acceptable source of solid information: a blogger named Loralee Edwards, whom they somehow found on the interwebs using one of those computermomographer machines that the moderns use:

Loralee Edwards, a blogger from Lethbridge, Alta., said she was appalled by Tim Hortons’ involvement because she sees the National Organization for Marriage as vehemently anti-gay and lesbian.

“Tim Hortons has sort of always said that they won’t support political organizations,” she told CBC News.

CBC News story

She's a Tweeter, actuallyTurns out from my vast research that the CBC simply picked up a Twitter entry by Loralee Edwards, who responded to being quoted by the CBC by saying that she thought that was, and I quote, “kewl” (see left), on Twitter, yesterday.

The weird thing is, although the CBC is extremely familiar with me and my web site since they have threatened to sue me in the past, such that I’d be bankrupt and my family ruined, and despite my huge numbers of daily visitors and long and hard-earned position of some modicum of respect in the political blogger arena in this country, they have rarely asked for my opinion on any news story, and certainly not this one.  Weird, huh?  (By the way, I twitter my blog entries, too!)  Maybe they knew I was on holiday (they and their lawyers did write to me that they “will be monitoring” ProudToBeCanadian, so they probably knew…).  I would sort of certainly say things sort of more lucid than like “Tim Hortons has sort of always said that they won’t support political organizations” as she told the intrepid CBC News research and investigative journalistic team of experts. 

I wonder if they’ll sort of write about the “incorrect” things they’ve caught me saying today as they have been monitoring my site for the things I say today! 

Here’s a quote, CBC.  Feel free to use it: 

“Blogger Johannesen says he’d replace that now lost Tim Hortons support with his site’s own support if only they were financially capable, but reports from some funky source within the internet blogger community named Joe Shmow are that they’re not capable, possibly because Johannesen and his site ludicrously refuse to accept in excess of one BILLION dollars of taxpayer cash each year, including taxpayer cash from Johannesen himself.”

I bet lots of people — including bloggers! — would say they’re like me and are in support of the pro-marriage event.  But they must have run out of ink at the CBC just as they were about to print and broadcast their views (on our dime). 

Of course I also repeatedly say (and feel free to use this too, CBC)…

“State-owned and state-run media should be banned in this country, and that notion should be enshrined in our constitution,” … possibly adding…  “says blogger Johannesen, ludicrously, as if he’s one of those right-wing radical fringe conservative freedom lovers who also comprehend the value of that whole ‘penis-vagina’ thing, and natural, organic families, and therefore supports traditional marriage.”

…but they never use that either as I’ve noticed. 

Joel Johannesen
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