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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Tidbit: Why is it important for the Gov-Gen to “get to know Canadians”?

…at taxpayer expense …and doesn’t she know ’em already? 

Uproar over joke mystifies Jean

[…] Ms. Jean refused to comment further about who might be behind the strategy or why. She said she is trying to focus on her new duties, the future, and getting to know Canadians.

“The rest is only noise, so much noise,” she said. […]

Not to overstate the case, but wasn’t she picked for her qualities as a good solid Canadian who knows and understands Canada and Canadians?  Better than nearly anybody?  Didn’t she work for the state-run CBC which, for a BILLION dollars per year of taxpayer cashola operates under the pretense that it knows Canada better than Canadians do?  If not, what are we paying for?

As “Hedplug”, who sent me this story noted in his email, “Aren’t you comforted to know that our new GG (the supposedly best choice representative of our country that Martin could find) ‘…is trying to focus on her new duties, the future, and getting to know Canadians’?  I guess if she had of participated as a normal Canadian in our country … she would actually know something about us Canadians.”


Joel Johannesen
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