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Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Tidbit from the Political Grapevine

image This tidbit from the best TV channel in Canada:  America’s Fox News Channel of course.  (Hey have I mentioned that Fox News Channel has now been unbanned by the Canadian government and is now available to Canadians?  Oh I have?  Eight bajillion times you say?  Well damn!  But anyway, please contact your cable or satellite provider and get it.  You’ll be quite astounded at the fact that there is more than one way to look at news and facts—yes more!  More than just a left-wing perspective countered by a far-left-wing perspective!  It’s the number one cable news channel in the U.S.—far surpassing the liberals’ CNN in the viewership ratings, though all Canadian liberalvision media constantly use CNN feeds for their own news—they like it better I guess!) 

Their Special Report with Brit Hume has a segment every day called the “Political Grapevine”, which is a little like what my “Joel’s NewsQuips” used to be:  just short quips about things in the news. 

From yesterday’s:  The Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University did another study on fairness and balance in the media and …

And which network was the most fair and balanced you ask? Well, FOX News Channel of course. The study revealed that this network’s coverage was more balanced than any of the other networks. The study found that on FOX evaluations of candidates were perfectly balanced: A 50-50 split for candidates in both parties. But, on the three broadcast networks [ABC, CBS, NBC], candidate evaluations for both parties were negative almost 60 percent of the time…

In Canada, my unscientific but deadly accurate study of the liberals’ media over the years reveals that the state-run CBC, which is culturally far-left to its socialist core, is highly unbalanced  —and not just in its obvious-to-me rabid anti-conservative bias in its hideous political news coverage, but unbalanced in every which way. 

The rest of liberalvision in Canada is nearly equally so.  They present a world view that betrays them as so liberal, they clearly don’t even know how liberal they are anymore (or worse, they do know, and they’re simply propagandists driving an agenda, and yes I think this is a plausible explanation). 

More frighteningly but unsurprisingly, Canadians have become the same way, even though they don’t know it because liberal and secular progressive —is all they see in this country, unless they get Fox News Channel.  Most Canadians don’t even know there’s another side besides liberal-left

That’s partly why they find fair and balanced Fox News Channel as so astonishing and refreshing and enlightening at first.  And it’s why liberals in Canada were and still are so against it. Liberals pretend to see Fox News Channel as “biased” on the basis that FNC presents both sides.  Allowing conservatives to say things is “biased” against them and unfair (and I see their point.  Liberals can’t hold a candle to conservative ideas and principles and values).  And I don’t have to tell you how the liberal media hate FNC —it exposes them as the liberal-left agenda-driving farce that they are.

And blogs and blog entries like this… well liberals are against that too. It’s why the internet is also so pernicious to liberals.  And it’s why I snicker just a little when I hit ENTER.

I report.  You decide. 


Joel Johannesen
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