I heard about the protests on the radio over and over. The liberal media was all over the news of the anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-Harper, anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-tuition, anti-meat-eating, anti-Afghanistan-mission, anti-work, anti-intelligence protest rallies and marches “across Canada” over the weekend. And that was BEFORE they happened.
You see the liberal media covers events before they happen like that when they’re actually trying to help create events or support causes that support their world view and their agenda. In contradistinction, I had to search for news of the better-attended “support our troops” rallies over the summer even after they occurred, and I found few such items.
In the Vancouver Province (a Canwest paper), reporter Stuart Hunter wrote on Sunday, a sobering day later, that a paltry 150 people attended the big protest in a warm rain-free Vancouver. Actually, he described it as “more than 150”—as if he couldn’t count past the enormous 150 figure, a number of people which was eclipsed by the number who attended our wedding. But that didn’t stop Hunter from describing the scene as “a sea of placards”. With 150 people, there’s no “sea” there. It’s scarcely a puddle.
Strangely, Hunter’s estimate was discarded by the Canwest reporter back east, Susan Mohammad of CanWest News Service. Mohammad wrote that there was 500 people protesting in Vancouver. 500! Where did Mohammad get that figure? Well, she credits a report from… the Vancouver Province. I’m staring at the Vancouver Province right this second. It says 150 were there. Not 500.
In this picture, we see General Jack Layton, leader of the you’ve got to be kidding party, joining in with the small cabal of friends in Toronto out to score far-left political points and in the name of terrorist-appeasment and pacifist stupidity. The picture is zoomed-in nice and tight for you by the paper’s photographer or editors to make it appear as though there are thousands of people when in truth, there’s only a few more than what’s in the picture.
Meanwhile, ten pages later in the Vancouver Province, there’s a little item about the rally in Hamilton which I didn’t know anything about prior to this, at which 6,000 people attended. SIX THOUSAND people—all young people of war-protest age. It was a rally in which young people came to listen to Christian music and listen to inspirational speeches that spoke of rejecting sex, drugs, and the pressures of pop culture. It was organized by a group called Teen Mania Ministries.
Sorry, there were no pictures. And I’ll bet there were “more than” 6,000 people.
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