Friday, September 20, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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“This’ll shut those petite whiners up…”

State-run CBC reporter Michaelle Jean, who has been appointed by the Prime Minister of Canada without even the slightest consultation with his subjects to be the leader of all the land (the land of Canada), has benevolently agreed to give up her French citizenship—just in time for her swearing-in tomorrow.  She didn’t bother to let us in on that hitherto annoying fact until today.  She simply didn’t see fit to.  Let them eat gateau, as it were.

And the Edmonton Journal informs of thusly in their coverage of the grand gesture:

Jean’s decision is also likely to silence further questions about her support for the country and for federalism.

I did not know that.

I didn’t think it had Jack Squat to do with her pro-separatist statements that we now all know about from one of those nauseating left-wing Canadian documentaries that Canada’s liberal-left elites are so proud and for which they think Canada is famous worldwide (which it most assuredly is not, of course).

My question is simply this:  when is the rest of Canada’s liberal-left going to give up their French citizenship?


Joel Johannesen
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