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Sunday, January 19, 2025
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This is the Dawning of the Age of Nefarious

Did anybody else notice feces fumes coming off Obama’s head during his last presser? I think after that methane emission Obama owes Al Gore a few grand for carbon offsets. This guy has taken lies, hype and spin to an all-new human level. I hear Beelzebub is jealous.

Watching Barack work his voodoo last Wednesday was like watching Michael Jordan airwalk, or Michael Jackson moonwalk, or Gary Busey simply walk. Or maybe it was like watching Rosie O’Donnell devour a five-gallon bucket of bacon grease sprinkled with lizards and broken eggshells in 30 seconds flat.

It was truly amazing to behold B-HO lie his mocha-chino off to America about his Health Care Reform Bill or Health Insurance Reform Thing-a-ma-jig or whatever the heck it’s called now. His ability to misrepresent like that must stem from his Muslim upbringing; y’know, the whole “end justifies the means” mantra.

So, where did Barack bend the truth a skooch? Well, Spanky, I’m glad you asked. According to AP News it was stuff like the following:

1. Obama – “(this bill) will keep government out of health care decisions, giving you the option to keep your insurance if you’re happy with it.”

That sounds cool, except of course in this legislation, a commission appointed by the government would determine what is and isn’t covered by insurance plans offered in a new purchasing pool, including a plan sponsored by the government. The bill also holds out the possibility that, over time, those standards could be imposed on all private insurance plans—not just the ones in the pool.

2. Obama – “You haven’t seen me out there blaming the Republicans.”

Except, of course, in his first breath when he was bashing Jim DeMint. He said something like, “I’ve heard that one Republican strategist told his party that even though they may want to compromise, it’s better politics to ‘go for the kill.’ Another Republican senator said that defeating health reform is about ‘breaking’ me.”

3. Obama – “I have also pledged that health insurance reform will not add to our deficit over the next decade, and I mean it.”

That’s nice of him, ain’t it? The president has said repeatedly that he wants “deficit-neutral” health care legislation, meaning that every dollar increase in cost is met with a dollar of new revenue or a dollar of savings.

But some things are more neutral than others. White House Budget Director Peter Orszag told reporters this week that the promise does not apply to proposed spending of about $245 billion over the next decade to increase fees for doctors serving Medicare patients. Democrats and the Obama administration argue that the extra payment, designed to prevent a scheduled cut of about 21 percent in doctor fees, already was part of the administration’s policy, with or without a health care overhaul.

Beyond that, budget experts have warned about various accounting gimmicks that can mask true burdens on the deficit. The bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget lists a variety of them, including back-loading the heaviest costs at the end of the 10-year period and beyond.

4. Obama – “I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

The facts are in dispute between black scholar Henry “Yo Mama” Louis Gates, Jr. and the white police sergeant who arrested him at his Cambridge, Mass. home when officers went there to investigate a reported break-in. But this much is clear: Gates wasn’t arrested for being in his own home, as Obama implies, but for allegedly being belligerent when the sergeant demanded his identification. The president did mention that the professor was charged with disorderly conduct. Charges were dropped.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright would be so proud of his former disciple. Now, if that spin didn’t win you, never fear! He tried to lure you in with illustrations from the Matrix, red pill/blue pill, and if that didn’t work he said the planets were aligning in recognition of his divine bill.

Planets are aligning? WTH? Is the moon in the Seventh House? Is Jupiter aligning with Mars? Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius? Perhaps for some, but for this freedom-loving, finger-flying redneck it seems more like the age of nefarious vs. Aquarius because of the way Obama is dividing, lying, socializing and looting America. Even the democrats are beginning to see it!

Being the sensitive guy that I am, sometimes I can’t express how I truly feel about Obamaland without writing a song. Here’s my take on what I believe is happening to the good old USA.

The Age of Nefarious (to be sung to the tune of the Age of Aquarius).

When the moonbats are in the White House

And Deceiver is appointing czars
Then thieves will steal our nation
and socialism will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Nefarious
The age of Nefarious

Disharmony and reparations
Blame shifting and spin abounding
No more transparency or integrity
Golden septic streams of drivel
Mystic liberal machinations
And the mind’s true incarceration

When the moonbats are in the White House

And Deceiver is appointing czars
Then thieves will steal our nation
and socialism will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the age of Nefarious
The age of Nefarious

Let the Thugs slime in.

Let the Thugs slime in.

The Thugs slime in.

Doug Giles

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