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Monday, January 6, 2025
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This Canadian professor sounds very much like a communist to me

In a Canadian Press story posted at the liberals’ web site today, a Canadian university professor says that Canada’s oil and gas industry should be made into a communist system, I think. 

But being a “progressive” (that’s code for anything left of “conservative”), I think he probably doesn’t want to stop there.  Food, shelter, and clothing are all more important, after all.  Even more so than the existing state-run and state-owned media giant, the CBC

Now, he doesn’t use the word “communist”, of course.  Rather, he calls his idea “nationalizing” the industry, owing to its yummier sound for dumb canooks, whom he thinks is…. you all! 

This slight-of-hand verbiage is much like what I properly call the you’ve got to be kidding party insisting on calling itself the New Democratic Party or the NDP, rather than calling itself the more truthful and accurate Old Socialist Party, owing to their long hidden agenda, and their not wanting to be quite so up front with Canadians and admit it quite so openly, the wording in their own Party constitution calling for an end to capitalism as we know it and for global socialism, notwithstanding.  Note that the liberal media insists on taking these people seriously nonetheless.  For example, they published the ideas of what I think are this Marxist university professor. 

On a matter of general vanity and credibility (mostly vanity), please note that I often warn readers that many university professors—even the ones you always, always, always see on CTV and the state-run CBC refuting something a conservative person just said in the news (because no conservative word or idea will be left just hanging there, willy-nilly, un-refuted by a guest genius analyst —a liberal-left or outright Marxist university professor or two), are outright Marxists (although sadly, most readers think I’m merely bloviating and spewing that “extreme right-wing nutbar conservative Nazi fascist hyperbole”.  Once again, I prove that I am spot on.  Thank you.  Send money.)

Canada should nationalize oil industry: professor

MONTREAL—Canada must nationalize

[Joel says:  WINK !]

its oil and gas industry to help lower the cost at the pumps by one-third, says a Quebec university accounting professor.

Leo-Paul Lauzon said Wednesday that Quebec could also build a refinery with independent dealers and negotiate directly with oil exporting countries.

“We can’t afford to keep getting poorer,’’ said Lauzon, who teaches at the


University of Montreal at Quebec.

[…] Lauzon said that if the federal government can’t be convinced to nationalize

[WINK !]

the Canadian oil industry, Quebec should act with its own governmental bodies, such as pension fund manger Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec, in partnership with independent dealers.

Later in the story, we find that he’d like to engage in partnership with evil dictators and tyrants. 

He suggested they could build a refinery in partnership and negotiate with oil producing countries such as Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia or Iran.

Partner-up with the Venezuelan communist anti-American Bush-hating dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.  And the Islamofascist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.  Evo Morales of the Movement Toward Socialism in Bolivia is a fan of Cuba’s Communist dictator Fidel Castro and of Hugo Chavez. 

And this professor teaches this —these values— to Canadian students.  And the Canadian state —you— pay for it.  And the liberal mainstream media constantly mainstream this kind of thinking.  That’s all “progressive” too.

Chavez: Troops to escort oil takeovers


Joel Johannesen
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