1. I’m waiting for the NDP to come out. I want them to embrace their socialism, and make it plain and clear to all of Canada —yes come out of the closet and admit with pride —that you stand for socialism for Canada— an end to capitalism as we know it. And that you stand for world socialism. You want socialism to take over the entire world. Call yourselves socialists! What have you got to lose? Something, obviously, or you’d be doing it!
Don’t hide it! Be proud! You don’t have a hidden agenda do you? Come clean with us, NDP. We’re all very well aware that the Conservatives stand for normal free-markets and capitalism and private enterprise and the profit motive all that good stuff. But we never really get a good blast of “socialism is the way!” from y’all at the NDP!
For your convenience, here’s some quotes from your official NDP Constitution:
…That the production and distribution of goods and services shall be directed to meeting the social and individual needs of people within a sustainable environment and economy and not to the making of profit;
To modify and control the operations of the monopolistic productive and distributive organizations through economic and social planning. Towards these ends and where necessary the extension of the principle of social ownership;
… The New Democratic Party is proud to be associated with the democratic socialist parties of the world and to share the struggle for peace, international co-operation and the abolition of poverty.
Here are some official policy quotes I found off the web:
“We remain in the forefront of the people’s struggles : for labour rights, social justice and the environment; defending the rights of minorities, women, gays and lesbians; fighting for youth and students.”
“The struggle of the Canadian people for democracy, sovereignty, peace and social advance is essentially a political struggle against big business and its control of the Canadian State. The interests of the vast majority of Canadians are in conflict with the anti-democratic, neoliberal policies of the transnationals and the banks.”
“…offering a clear and consistent vision of a socialist Canada, where the priority is people’s needs, not corporate greed”
Actually I should have mentioned that I got those last quotes from the official policies platform of the Communists Party on the Communist Party of Canada website, not the NDP’s web site. Oops! It’s a little confusing as you can see!
2. We’re going to have to get a much, much better public explanation from the Liberal Party with regard to just how, exactly, they’re different from the NDP. How is their daycare plan not an absolutely socialist plan? How does that help private enterprise? How does it help free-market capitalism? Isn’t that the Canadian way? It always used to be! Do you aim to change that? You don’t like Canada? You want to change it into a socialist country? Let us know! Advertise it!
Oh and how is the law forbidding Canadian citizens from spending their own cash on their own basic healthcare different from communist North Korea’s law? (We used to share this unique distinction with communist Cuba also, but Cuba recently changed their system and opened it up a little! So it’s just Canada and North Korea now. But at least it’s not American!)
I’m waiting for lots more too, but these could all occur today if they wanted them to occur.
I’ll wait right here!
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