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They’ll cost no more than $750 million. Honest! OK we lied.

imageThe problems associated with the Liberals’ treasonous degrading of our nation’s military defences over their years in office will linger for decades in Canada.

Here’s a news release from the liberal government’s Defence department in 1998:

News Release
Submarines For Canada’s Navy
NR-98.018 – April 6, 1998

Halifax, N.S. — The Honourable Art Eggleton, Minister of National Defence, announced today that Canada will acquire four modern Upholder diesel-electric submarines from the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence. The submarines will replace the Canadian navy’s three operational Oberon-class submarines, which are all over 30 years old. The submarine project will cost no more than $750 million—one-quarter of what it would cost to buy or build new submarines. […]

They describe them as “four modern… submarines”.  In actual fact, they were used pieces of junk that the British Navy no longer wanted to have anything to do with.  Perfect for Canada!, the Liberals thought. 

Canadian died on Liberals' watchAs we know, as they were being driven here and shortly afterwards, all manner of problems developed with the used pieces of junk that the liberals thought would be sufficient to preserve and defend our nation.  Fires, floods, cracks in the hulls, rusting-out…. and the death of a brave Canadian seaman.  Lieut. Chris Saunders, a husband and father of two, died after being airlifted from the HMCS Chicoutimi.

In April of last year, the Ottawa Citizen reported:

Taxpayers could be shelling out up to $465 million for upgrades to Canada’s troubled second-hand submarines …

Now this tidbit:

Sub Maintenance Contract Worth $1.5 Billion

Josh Pringle
Friday, March 17, 2006

The Defence Department budget to look after the Navy’s four used submarines is 100 million dollars a year.

A report says a maintenance contract for the four subs is worth up to 1.5 billion dollars.

At least three consortiums are preparing to bid for the contract.

So far the purchase and maintenance cost of the four subs is 1.2 billion dollars.

… with emphasis on the “so far”.  They still aren’t fully functional after all these years. 

And it’s not limited to the junk submarines.  According to CTV.CA, the Canadian navy’s destroyers are 30 years old and their last upgrade was completed 10 years ago. One of them, HMCS Huron, has not sailed since 1998.  And 34 of the navy’s 58 auxiliary vessels – such as tugboats and the like which provide such services as berthing assistance, target towing and scientific research – are more than 40 years old. 

(Hat tip to John yet again today)

Joel Johannesen
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