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There’s a word for that, Terence.

Terence Corcoran appears ready to blow a gasket [today’s column (3 minutes)] with the provincial Liberal government in Ontario (begging the question, aren’t all liberals provincial in their thinking?). 

Terence is writing for the Financial Post today.  Perhaps tomorrow it will be Physchology Today. 

Terence appealed to the same lexicon I use to best express his current feeling toward the Ontario Liberals under premier McGuinty.  But as Terence will no doubt remember really soon, there’s one word for all this:

Canada’s worst: Mrs. McGuinty’s Nanny State whacks Ontario

Few governments at any level are all that good. Local, provincial and federal, they muddle through their limited stints in power. It’s the nature of the beast, bloated wielders of brute force that inevitably fail to achieve ends that are unachievable. But of all the governments in Canada today, none can beat Ontario’s Liberals, by any measure deserving of the title: Canada’s Worst.

Since coming to power in October, 2003, the government of Premier Dalton McGuinty has emerged as blundering, mean-spirited, ham-fisted, pandering, petty, vindictive, demagogic and unprincipled.

[…] Iron fisted is one appropriate image. But perhaps the most fitting figure for this government, personalized by Mr. McGuinty, is that of a moralizing nag, a righteous nanny whose government scolds and pontificates and imposes itself on the lives of citizens. If necessary, it will go from door to door, household to household, marching in with orders and instructions on how to live, where to live, what to eat, when to run the dishwasher, have sex or smoke a cigarette.

This is Mrs. McGuinty’s Nanny State.

Or, just “liberal”.

Joel Johannesen
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