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There’s a joke in here somewhere—no wait it’s all a joke.

Some times you feel like a nut.  And heck it’s Friday.  And President Bush hater (or “BushCo” as she indelicately calls him) Cindy Sheehan just rounded up her anti-America anti-Bush trip to Canada, trying to rally Canadians to the anti-Bush anti-America cause. 

Here’s some of her account (hat tip to conservativegal).  It’s a whole bowl of nuts. A nutbowl.  Goes nicely with beer.

[…] By many accounts, Stephen Harper was put in place as leader of Canada by the collapse of weak coalitions and scandals that led to this man now leading a minority government there. He is wildly unpopular from coast to coast up north and there is a growing sense of unease about his emulation of a very unpopular person in the USA but even more in Canada: George Bush.

Canadians have to be the healthiest looking and most polite citizenry that I have encountered in my travels. The British people that I have met are very polite but nowhere near the graciousness of Canadians. Canadians are truly civil, and they mean it. Canadians have been proud of their country’s role of world peacekeeper and as the beacon of peace and hope and refuge for us Americans who feel that our country’s aggressive militarism endangers us and harms our reputations and souls. Now Canadians need to wake up to the fact that their new minority, disliked government is leading them down this same slippery slope to the fascistic militarism of their immediate neighbors to the south.

Canadians are distressed that defense spending rose by 5.3 billions of dollars (roughly what the US spends for 2 weeks in Iraq) while the preschool budget is being cut and college tuition is rising. This increase in military spending coincidentally correlates with a push to recruit thousands of more soldiers who are still be told by the Canadian recruiters that their country only does peace keeping missions. This manipulation of facts and the exploitation of fear and false patriotism is being fueled by the Canadian media who seem to be turning, for the most part, into propaganda tools of their government a la our rightwing 4th estate.

[…] The recent polls in Canada show that the people there are starting to wake up by the truckloads with support for their administration’s support of BushCo’s war slipping 14 percentage points in two months! Canadians are seeing that the war in Afghanistan is not righteous and that when Canada sends troops there, it frees American troops to be illegally and immorally deployed to Iraq. Canada needs a Cindy Sheehan to go to the PM’s residence and demand to know what noble cause her child died for, or is still fighting for.

[…] It’s okay to copy our baseball and the huge hearts of the American people who never wanted to picture the country that we have become. But don’t copy, or let your government be willing partners in crime with our public enemy number one: BushCo.

—Cindy Sheehan

Read the rest here.  No don’t actually.  Just read some of the comments posted there.  The Sheehan lecture goes on for approximately 8 million words.  It will take you forever to read, and then you’ll be dumber.  Just tune into the CBC instead.

And here’s another thing, hot off the press today, Friday May 12 2006:

OTTAWA (Reuters) – Support among Canadians for the country’s military mission in Afghanistan has slipped but is still relatively solid despite a rash of recent military casualties, according to a new poll on Friday.

The Ekos survey—provided to Reuters—shows 62 percent of Canadians support the mission in Afghanistan, down from 70 percent in early February. The number opposed grew to 37 percent from 28 percent.

Wakey wakey, Cindy.

Joel Johannesen
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