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“The Prime Minister is in danger of making himself a national joke”

“If this were not so serious, I would say the Prime Minister is in danger of making himself a national joke,” said Conservative leader Stephen Harper in parliament yesterday.  I heard it with my own ears. 

So now I’m feeling a little embarrassed over having been laughing all this time—it wasn’t clear to me that there was only a danger of the joke happening in the future

I think for me the giggles started soon after Jean (“a truth is a truth”) Chretien was elected, but the guffaws really started more recently.  Around the time when the Liberals made gay ‘marriage’ the very most important thing in their world, a world which revolves around liberals and their Canada, and started down the path of enacting emergency gay marriage legislation through their Supreme Court Division of the Liberal Party.  Well actually I guess they first appointed two gay-marriage advocating judges to the Supremes division, then it went through the court. 

Jean Chretien making funnies on the stand as he testified in an absolutely fantastic rendition of Carrot Top during a serious and expensive public inquiry into the biggest corruption scandal in the history of our nation—which was of his and Paul (“we lead the world”) Martin’s own making—that kept the laughter going.

It was then that I realized they, and our entire government were, for me, a national joke, but also that “national government” was, for them, a national joke.  So we were all laughing.  I still giggle when I type COTLER.  I’ve rarely seen a bigger ass nor such an angry one, but the knee-slapper is his lack of knowledge—or concern—about that whole penis/vagina thing, and what “Canadian familes” are—that’s just funny.

All the next most important things to the liberals: legalizing pot-smoking for the kids, and making prostitution yet another grand Canadian virtue—like abortions at any time for any reason without limitation for free (taxpayer-paid… that’s free isn’t it?)—and maintaining by force of law our sacred North Korean-style healthcare system—they were and remain great laugh lines.  I literally sent the state-run socialist daycare plan to David Letterman. 

Losing our ability to defend our nation—well that’s so amazing it’s bound to find laughter in some corners of the world—likely where Islamic extremists and communists hang out.

But as Stephen Harper just informed us, this Martin government—this Liberal Party government—is only in danger of becoming a national joke. 

I can’t wait to see what they’d have to do to actually become one, in the mind of the Conservative leader.  And Canadians. 

For those of us who aren’t already laughing, let’s establish in our minds what it is that the liberal-left in this country would have to do or seek to do or propose to do in order for all the laughter to ensue.  Let’s draw that line in the sand and please do let us all know where it is—just so we are all on the same page and we call all laugh together.

Joel Johannesen
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