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The People, once again, prove that the Iraq War was RIGHT to them.

First, the good conservative Prime Minister John Howard of Australia won re-election—as a proud member of the coalition of the willing, which proudly sent brave troops to Iraq to fight tyranny and bring down that evil regime thus spreading freedom and democracy to previously oppressed people, and helping to end global terrorism and secure peace in our world.  Liberals here were against that.

Well of course that election victory made liberals feel stupid although they didn’t admit it openly, and of course they should have felt stupid because they could have SWORE that everybody agreed with them.  They did swear that, if memory serves me correctly!  Liberals always think everybody agrees with them.  Listen to how they talk and watch and how they write in online forums and in their letters-to-the-editor!  They’re funny!

Then conservative Republican President George Bush won re-election (winning the most votes of any president in U.S. history and exceeding the percentage of votes won by that li’l charmer and filthy sexual deviant and adulterer, the liberal President Bill Clinton, who was supposedly “popular”).  Liberals were and still are literally going nuts over that.  They weren’t just “wrong”, they were absurdly, vastly wrong on every level.  They still don’t admit that.  They really should. 

Now, that other Iraq fighter, faithful partner of President George Bush and freedom, Prime Minister Tony Blair, won—yet again—in Britain.  A historic third term! 

The party that came in second place, the Conservatives, also believed in the Iraq war. 

Apparently people in Britain agreed with the Iraq war. 

Canada?  WAKEY WAKEY!  Liberal-lefties, admit that you were dead wrong yet again. Oh you won’t do that will you?  Didn’t think so.  You still defend our state-run socialist healthcare system, after all!

Canadian Conservatives might want to grab a slice of reality too.  I’m a conservative, and I still don’t know where Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party stood on the Iraq war.  I think they were against it. 

Of course before these three aforementioned elections in the coalition of the willing, the Canadian Liberal Party and Team Martin won re-election in Canada while being totally against the Iraq War, and in the midst of a political corruption scandal of hellacious proportions.  Then again, Canadians still worship Michael Moore, still have a North Korean-style healthcare system and state-run media, and believe in spending our national treasure on state-funded abortions as if it’s some sort of a national “virtue”, among other things. 

Canada has been regressing and going backward in this “progressive” liberal-left regime that we’ve been under for decades.  Other countries are acting conservative and making progress within, and across the globe.

But have a nice sleep, Canada!

Joel Johannesen
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