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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The Passion of the Censor

Campus freedom of speech is only limited by higher-ups according to: the topic and the speaker.  So that makes it easy.  If you’re a liberal—or at least an anti-conservative, or an anti-Christian, and/or anti-American—then it seems your voice is welcome and in fact invited and often subsidized.  However for the rest of us, it’s simply taboo to speak, and if you try, you WILL be disciplined.  Neat! 

Mike S. Adams, the professor I always wished I had, writes this week about a topic (I mentioned a week or so ago) by way of a letter of complaint to college campus administrators.  He also conveniently provides us all with the email address of one of the administrators in question.  And phone numbers.  Dr. Adams is very thorough and really applies himself. 

TO: Edwin R. Massey, President, Indian River Community College: 772.462.4701
CC: Johnny Moore, VP of Student Affairs: 772.462.7788; [email protected]

Dear President Massey:

When I first heard your college had prevented a Christian student group from showing the film The Passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson, I was taken aback. When I learned your college had previously hosted a live performance entitled “F*****g for Jesus,” I was disgusted by your school’s double standard. Now that I have learned administrators at your school yanked college students out of class demanding an apology for merely protesting your censorship, I am almost speechless.

Your recent effort to punish students for exercising the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” is the culmination of a disgraceful saga, which began with your attack on freedom of the press in November of last year. That was when your college rejected the Christian Student Fellowship’s (CSF) effort to post fliers advertising the showing of The Passion of the Christ.

[…Read the rest…]

Joel Johannesen
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