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Thursday, January 23, 2025
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The pan grows: another thinker appalled at the liberals’ Morgentaler award

Another addition to the plethora of thinkers across Canada roundly PANNING the liberals’ Morgentaler award agenda.  Winnipeg Sun columnist Joseph Quesnel sends in an email:

Hi Joel or anyone involved with PTBC:

I write a weekly column in the Winnipeg Sun and I would be proud to have my column about Morgentaler’s award mentioned or linked to from your blog site. I appreciate all the good work you people do at PTBC..

Here’s a snippet from it:

Spitting in the face of pro-lifers


If you are a strongly pro-choice reader, think about how you would react if one of the strongest opponents of abortion rights received this top honour. How would you respond if the government bequeathed its highest award to someone for advancing a cause you have opposed your entire adult life? For those of us on the pro-life side, abortion is one of the most profound and pernicious violations of human rights conceivable. Many of us have seen the ultrasound images and real-life photographs that remove the sanitized language used to conceal what is actually involved.

It is extremely hurtful to anti-abortion Canadians to honour this man in this public, government-sanctioned way.


Read the rest (1 minute)

Mr. Quesnel also let me know he made an error in writing that Morgentaler was appointed as an “officer” to the Order of Canada when in fact he was appointed as a “member”.  Mr. Quesnel’s error was only slight, and was purely accidental, in contradistinction to the larger matter.


Joel Johannesen
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