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The left-wing Toronto (“we’re socialists!”) Star shoots its load

In an unsigned editorial today, the Star reveals its inner communist.  Actually more accurately, it’s not “inner” as much as it is “hanging out all over their pages every day to the extent that people don’t even notice it as such any more”.  People in Toronto and elsewhere just think it’s normal now.  That’s too bad because it’s not. These people are not normal.

They begin by complaining that Prime Minister Harper is being “unfair” by not agreeing with them.  Leftists believe that it’s “unfair” to argue against them.  I mean they don’t stand a chance when you argue against them, so I guess they’re right. 

Editorial: Harper distorting child-care debate

Apr. 20, 2006. 01:00 AM

The battle over the future shape of child care in Canada is heating up, now that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken the offensive. Confirming Tuesday that his promised $1,200 grant to parents for every child under the age of 6 would be delivered in next month’s budget, Harper threw down the gauntlet and dared the opposition to defeat his fledgling minority government over the controversial measure.

That’s fair politics, as are his efforts to enlist socially conservative groups to help sell his plan. What is not fair, though, is Harper’s portrayal of those who believe the money would be better spent creating badly needed child-care spaces across the country as pie-in-the-sky academics and researchers and special interest groups.

Yes.  They’re quite right about Harper’s portrayal. 

Harper should actually be portraying them as neo-communists and socialists in the interest of accuracy.

The Star then goes on to “portray” mom and dad as utterly incapable of raising their own kids, as I understand they’ve done for four or five hundred years now.  These are among the liberal-left’s talking points.  Government good, family bad.  Whadyaknow, that’s a neo-communist talking point. 

Take this paragraph for instance.  Take it to Cuba or the old Soviet Union where it belongs:

The issue is not about day care, a term based on the clock. It’s about the proper care of infants and toddlers by trained, supervised professionals.

“[T]rained, supervised professionals” —unlike mom and dad who are untrained in the raising of their own kids, and who are therefore utterly stupid, and damn —they’re unprofessional  —and not even unionized, fer crisakes. 

No no.  To them, “it’s about” your kids being plugged into an institution run by the benevolent government and staffed by well, anybody hired and trained by the government and belonging to a public-sector trade union. 

Increasing the reliance on government as the center of your family —in fact replacing your family with government—is what the strict hard core socialism is all about.  And it’s right here in Canada.  From your Liberal Party and on leftward. 

Take this statement, to Russia or China or Cuba where it belongs, and whence it must have come:

…And how do we fulfill that responsibility if we do not make a collective contribution to making sure that kind of care is available to all the children of working mothers.

In fact the words could well have come directly, word-for-word, from Marx and Lenin’s famous little manifesto. 

Yes, Mr. Harper is portraying them wrongly.  That’s for sure.

Joel Johannesen
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