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“The Latest Headline News”, liberal media style.

Harper faces uphill battle in fall session 

That’s a “Latest News” news headline.  Or at least that’s what they call it.  Sounds to sane people like an opinion, but whatever.  And with help from the liberal media, it certainly will be an uphill battle.  (Oops I’m spoiling the ending!). 


Let’s delve into the “Latest News” article.

The sub-headline is: “Afghanistan a political albatross

An “albatross”, huh?  That’s kinda like a “quagmire”, isn’t it?  Perhaps we should all look up “self-fulfilling prophecy”. 


The whole “news” story reads like a death-watch of Prime Minister Harper’s new Conservative government.  It starts like this:

OTTAWA – This is the week that Prime Minister Stephen Harper enters the second half of his minority government’s lifespan.

Well then!  So he’s half done according to the reporter, and the second half has started?  Again, look up “self-fulfilling prophecy”.  For my part, I’m still looking for “news”. 

As if to remind us, the “reporter” goes on:

Seven months ago, he came to power promising a clean and ethical government, greater political accountability, and an impressive record of promises kept.

Seven months from now, with the dawn of spring, his government will likely have run its course.

But just to make sure all Canadians dismiss the Harper government as a useless lame duck joke, let’s read on:

By then, Canada will probably either be on the verge of, or in the midst of, an election campaign brought on by a budget vote in Parliament that led to the collapse of Harper’s government. It’s even possible the end could come earlier – in a late winter election.

The point is this: As Harper walks into the House of Commons today for the fall session of Parliament, he realizes the clock is ticking.

That’s “news”, folks!

Next paragraph:  We’re fighting “enemy” Taliban.  Note the quotes!  They’re theirs!

The military conflict in Afghanistan has become his political albatross, particularly in Quebec. Throughout the country, Canadians are divided and are beginning to realize this is more than just a peacekeeping mission. This is a dangerous form of war – a combat that involves Canadian troops actively engaged in search-and-destroy missions to kill “enemy” insurgents, the Taliban. Consequently, Canadian soldiers are dying in action.

Ubiquitous reminder:  “Canadian soldiers are dying”!  Reminder to liberal media:  It’s a WAR

Then the “reporter” rewrites history, I think:

Last spring, Harper’s government forced Parliament to quickly debate a resolution, which narrowly passed, committing this country to an extra two years in Afghanistan, to February 2009.

Forced Parliament to debate Afghanistan?  The left demanded it!  He gave it to them!  They’re demanding it again now!  Should Harper again force them to debate?!  Oh my.

The prime minister must now live with the political consequences, defending the mission every time another soldier comes home in a flag-draped coffin. The government will intensify the campaign this week to justify its Afghanistan policy.

Dead soldiers coming home NOW are a result of the Harper Conservatives and their policies?!  He’s suggesting that at least politically, Harper or at least his policies are to blame for dead soldiers and therefore he must defend his policies?  Let’s look up the word “tendentious”. 

Further on down, the “reporter” informs us thusly:

On domestic policy, Harper also faces major obstacles to his dream of securing a majority government.

[…] On the environment, Harper is on especially weak ground.

[…] Harper wants to avoid alienating the Christian conservatives who are his political base.

[…] they accused him of being a clone of the American “far-right.”

…and so on.

But he concludes his “news” story like this—finally getting to use the word “quagmire” as if blowing a fart he’s been holding in for hours:

In sum, the prime minister knows that after seven months, the honeymoon is over. Now, the real work begins on achieving success in political quagmires that could sink his credibility. He must present policies that are credible, popular, and responsible.

Voters eventually see through smoke and mirrors. And they punish politicians who dare to fool them.

As I see it, the bottom line is this:  This “reporter” doesn’t think much of the Harper Conservative chances, for what he seems to think are good reasons.  (Manifestly, it’s a quagmire!) 

And here’s the real, actual bottom line of the “news” article: 

(Mark Kennedy is managing editor of the CanWest News Service. He can be reached at )

Joel Johannesen
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