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That other kind of terrorism: another peaceful abortion protester shot and killed—outside a school

Another innocent human —another innocent lover of life and freedom — has been killed today, September 11. 

63 year-old peaceful abortion protester James Pouillon, who carried an oxygen tank with him to help him breath, and who wore leg braces to help him stand, and used a walker to help him walk, was shot dead by a terrorist.  A different kind of terrorist. 

Some people think that the First Amendment is reserved only for them and their world view.  But actually every human has a right to life, and to peacefully express themselves and their opinion, and should of course be given the right to do that in the first place.

So I’ll just watch for the visible and vocal outrage from the pro-abortion activists who were in such exhaustively media-covered high dudgeon over the recent murder of the late-term abortionist George Tiller, which the media covered to death, because, as they ironically put it, the murder of any innocent human is unjustified.  Sadly, I’m a realist, and in this case, I rather expect the liberal media and liberals generally to begin attacking the victim, any time now.

Joel Johannesen
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