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Terrorists agree: Alberta and its sales tax regime rocks!

I can just hear Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party cry out for higher taxes now based on this new intelligence: 

It seems Hezbollah and Tamil Tiger terrorists prefer Alberta’s sales-tax-free status to secure supplies and armaments for their medieval savagery.  That, according to documents contained in Canadian intelligence reports that were useful …to the Americans (who have actually fully and properly engaged in the global war on terrorism).

The FBI-intercepted conversations alluded to in the case, which is being prosecuted in New York, bear a striking resemblance to similar ones involving Hezbollah that Canadian spies picked up years ago. “There was a store in Alberta and one here,” says one Vancouver Hezbollah suspect who was later accused of trying to buy $60,000 worth of night-vision goggles and GPS circuitry. He then stated that he “preferred that the items be purchased in Alberta, to save paying taxes.”

The interesting article exposes the

lax Canadian attitude

liberal-left vote-getting and terrorist-appeasing attitude that prevailed vis-a-vis terrorism during the liberal years (or what terrorists call “the good old days”). 

Yet in typical Globe and Mail anti-conservative fashion, they bonify the "you can’t win for trying" stature of the Conservatives and choose to make out like it’s as much the Conservatives’ fault as the Liberals.  They take a cheap swipe at the good Conservative Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day (even managing to invoke the word “crusader”—wink!) for finally sounding and acting tough on terrorism. 

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day denounced Hezbollah yesterday as “one of the most vicious murderous groups in the world today.” A few days ago, he lauded police officials for scooping up Canadian suspects “who allegedly conspired to procure weapons on behalf of the Tamil Tigers.”

But while Mr. Day talks the talk of an anti-terrorism crusader, Canada remains a latecomer in taking legal action against alleged domestic supporters of foreign terrorist organizations. In fact, while security agencies here have been spying on suspected local operatives of Hezbollah and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam since at least the early 1990s, they haven’t been able to convert those operations into criminal prosecutions.

Canada remains a latecomer”.  Yeah.  Canada.  Not the “weak on terrorism and law-and-order liberal-leftists”.  Similarly, the adscam sponsorship corruption scandal was a “federal” matter and Paul Martin was “an Ottawa politician”. 

Now yer thinkin’ like a liberal reporter.

Joel Johannesen
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