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Taxpayers help fund the pro gay-‘marriage’ industry and lobbyists

As I wrote the other day, the liberal media are all over the non-story about how some U.S.-based groups who are concerned about protecting the traditional family and traditional marriage—are helping Canadian groups who are of the same mind. 

But as I said, the old media appears to run out of typewriter ribbon immediately after writing that part of the story.  They are therefore unable to communicate the rest of the story, which is about how the pro gay-‘marriage’ side is getting funding out the ying yang.  And we all know how painful that can be. develops the story further: (Hat tip: John Spence from

Complaints About US Donations to Protect Marriage Ignore Government Funding of Gay Marriage Advocates

OTTAWA, February 8, 2005 ( — CanWest reporter Elizabeth Thompson is reporting today that Justice Minister Irwin Cotler is expressing concerns and threatening action over the participation of US pro-family organizations in the Canadian same-sex marriage debate. Thompson’s Monday report in the Montreal Gazette indicated that the US based Focus on the Family and the Catholic mens fraternal organization, the Knights of Columbus, were assisting Canadian traditional marriage defenders.

Not surprisingly, Cotler and Canada’s social liberal media have remained silent about who has been funding homosexual activist groups advocating redefinition and the overall pro-gay legal agenda in Canada. It appears, thus far that the bulk of the cost has been foisted on the Canadian taxpayer.
Writers of a recent article for Real Women’s newsletter discovered that that in June of 1993, Chief Justice Roy McMurtry of the Ontario Court of Appeal in making the decision of his court to support same-sex marriage, awarded all costs to the plaintiffs.

The recently published Public Accounts for 2004 provide us with the following information on this significant point (Lawyers Weekly, November 19, 2004.)

Toronto lawyer Martha McCarthy, who acted for several of the homosexual challengers in the case, received $645,000 in counsel fees from the federal government for arguing the case on behalf of the homosexual activists.

R. Douglas Elliot, also a Toronto lawyer and homosexual activist, who argued that case on behalf of another legal challenger, the Toronto homosexual church called The Metropolitan Community Church, was paid $409,162 in costs by the federal government.

Taxpayers had previously covered the costs in the case via the federally funded Court Challenges Program. Both the gay activist group EGALE and the interveners in the case, Canadian Coalition of Liberal Rallies for Same Sex Marriage received large sums from Court Challenges.

The unaccountable Court Challenges Program (CCP) does not release details of who it funds or how much each organization receives, but EGALE lists CCP along with the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Heritage Canada and the National Film Board of Canada as platinum sponsors. These are all taxpayer funded organizations.

EGALE, the foremost activist group pushing gay “marriage’, also lists as its “gold” donors a number of unions, amongst them are: the Canadian Auto Workers Union, BC Teachers’ Federation, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, Canadian Labour Congress, and the Canadian Media Guild. The Media Guild claims to represent the six thousand workers of the Canadian media, including CBC.

In his comments on funding from the US, Cotler failed to mention that the government and less transparent government agencies are directly funding gay activists to lobby the government to change marriage laws.

Calls for comment from Mr. Cotler’s office were not returned by press time.

(my bolding)

Joel Johannesen
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