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Sureal letter-to-editor in post-modern “progressive” society today

image Sometimes you have to shake your head and remember that you’re reading a national mainstream newspaper rather than a fringe, porno or smut rag or, say, watching the CBC.  I was personally put in the mind of a comedic spoof as I read the letter to the editor below, this morning, in none other than the venerable National Post—and right after reading an excellent editorial by the great columnist Father Raymond de Souza.  My head spins. 

Sexual diversity embraced by Emmas

Re: Definitely Not The Feminist Romantic Storyline Awards, June 9.
I was pleased to see Zosia Bielski’s article about the Emmas, the annual feminist porn awards in Toronto. I was dismayed, however, that it misrepresented a very important point about the awards. The award-winners and crowd were a diverse group, including lesbians, trans-people, male feminists and more, and this diversity reflects the shape of the new movement in pornography. Yet for the most part the article mentioned only heterosexuals. While all of the people mentioned are pioneers in the growing feminist porn movement, the article failed to acknowledge any non-heterosexual members of this community.

There was only a brief mention, in reference to the film The Bi Apple. Among those missing from the article were Angela Fong, a Canadian queer porn maker who was present and won an award last year, as well as Tristan Taormino, a leading queer author and pornographer. And, of course, I was surprised not to see my name, given that I received two awards this year (out of the 10 given) for Best Dyke Sex Scene and Best Trans Sex Scene.

Shine Louise Houston, San Francisco.

Meanwhile, back in suburban reality land, I read in our little local paper this morning that our town council has taken steps to ban “adult” movie video rental outlets in our town.  And as part of the law, they seek to ban the making of pornographic films in our town.  Everyone’s in favor of it.  And in our river and ocean-side town, which is surrounded by protective dykes and levees, the word has an entirely different meaning.

Joel Johannesen
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