Monday, June 17, 2024

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State-censor, CRTC, must act now to defend against high values possibly leaking from the U.S.

A New York Post story reports that TV viewers in the U.S. are, according to Time magazine fed up with sex, violence, and swearing, and that TV producers have simply lost touch with viewers’ values.

You don’t say.  Hollywood out of synch with America?  No. Way.

March 21, 2005—If you’ve seen one too many jiggling body parts, heard one too many swear words and had one too many gruesome acts forced on you, chances are you’re part of a majority of dissatisfied TV watchers, a magazine poll shows.
More than half of America’s couch potatoes — 53 percent — think the Federal Communications Commission should place stricter controls on broadcast-channel shows depicting sexual content and violence, according to a Time magazine poll.

Also, a whopping 68 percent believe the entertainment industry has lost touch with viewers’ moral standards, the survey showed.

Specifically, 66 percent said there is too much violence on open-air TV, 58 percent said too much cursing and 50 percent accused stations of beaming programs with too much sexual content, the Time poll said.

Television-watching is a pretty mainstream activity.  I wonder how many people are sick of liberalism in general.

Joel Johannesen
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