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State-sponsored left-wing BULL___

Is there anything left-wing and anti-conservative left in this country that isn’t funded by our taxpayer cash through all our governments, and by giant, ignorant (or worse — they actually know what they’re doing) corporations?

I read about Bruce Cockburn today in an article in connection with Toronto’s Luminato arts festival at the liberals’ far-left Toronto Star division, in a so family-friendly article wonderfully headlined like this (because they had no choice but to be dismissive of your family’s values or the sense of decency you adhere to, owing to the words of the man who created the “art”, see?):

Bruce Cockburn: Still agitating, after all these years
`I try to make art out of what I believe to be true. The rest is bullshit’

Oh that’s fantastic.  Way to go, Toronto Star.  Or should I say “way to f___ing go” (you’d print the whole thing —I won’t!), just to be as hip as you in the cool set, and help you screw theimage boring norms and what’s left of the ridiculous and possibly “conservative” and traditional modicums of decency in society as much as possible?  Sorry, no.  I won’t bother.  I care.

The Toronto Star doesn’t mention that this “news” in their paper about the left-winger, Bruce Cockburn, was partially funded, in a funky sort of way, by themselves, along with other government funding and corporate supports of this left-wing political agitprop. See below for some of the logos of the governments (thanks to your taxpayer cash) and companies that apparently support Bruce Cockburn’s left-wing and clearly anti-conservative political, um, “art”, and apparently think it’s perfectly normal for them to support left-wing and often radically far left-wing causes, “artists”, political agitprops and advocacy, and by extension, for you to support it as well, with your cash.  They all expect you to be totally cool with this.

They do see fit to publish some of Cockburn’s lyrics, meant to show you just how remarkably astute and ingenious an artist he is, and how it is he is worthy of the government-funded Luminato arts festival’s “all-star Canadian Songbook tribute”, ostensibly reflecting our “Canadian values” and such, I guess!:

“Slow Down Fast” (Life Short Call Now, 2006)

I love this song. Bruce is still laying things squarely on the line. Take it or leave it but here it is:

“L ron N ron every kind of ron con

Neo-con old con got to put the brakes on

Slow down fast

Lights out veins plugged zap it with another drug

Genejacker pharma thug say hello to superbug

Slow down fast”

Damn those “neo-cons” and “thugs!  Oh that’s just wonderful artistry.  Real “Canadiana”!

Here are some of the government and corporate —and “corporate” (—wink!) sponsors.  The “corporate” (wink!) sponsors include such “corporations” as the 100% state-owned and state-run VIA RAIL “corporation”, whose “investment” comes in addition to that which is represented by the ubiquitous liberals' and progressives' 'investment' logo logo, which is found at every single Canadian festival and left-wing-a-palooza, advertising the nanny-state and our dear leader’s “investment” (—wink!).

SOME of the sponsors and supporters of the left-wing fest listed at


And just for kicks, I wanted to point out that VIA RAIL and the Toronto Airport Authority are listed as “CORPORATE” sponsors:


Joel Johannesen
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