Friday, May 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Somebody is stupid or deceitful: Them or you.

This is the ingenuity of the left in this country during elections.  They’ve got this ideological, socialist idiocy down to an art now.  Or is that really what I meant to say? 

See something’s amiss here:  Either the person who spoke the words (below) is completely stupid or deceitful; or the person who reads and believes it is.  It’s one or the other.  There is no in-between.

Here’s the article:

Vision Vancouver council hopefuls have promised to create at least 600 new [child-care] spaces by 2008.

Candidate Heather Harrison says that goal—a five-per-cent increase—can be achieved though the use of development levies and a federal cash injection:  “There will be absolutely no additional tax burden for the taxpayer by providing this five per cent.”

Not just “no additional tax burden”, see, there will be “Absolutely no additional tax burden”!  It’s all going to be provided by magical fairies!  In this case, the fairies called “development levies and a federal cash injection”.  Them’s magical fairies!  And they get their cash by magical wand! 

On the other hand actually there is one more option available:  The person who said that, leftist Vision Vancouver candidate Heather Harrison, may know exactly what she is saying (therefore not stupid but extremely deceitful), and assumes that YOU, Canadian, are a complete and utter ignoramus.  That’s the most likely scenario, since the left does not trust citizens like you to be able to look after their own needs and feel they, the government, must do it for you as the wiser of the two. 

Whatever option you think is right, it’s all very charming, isn’t it?

[Source: The Province]

Joel Johannesen
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