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Solving our African Problem

Foreign aid will be one of the leading issues dealt with during the next G-8 summit.  This summit will concern itself with the increasing of foreign aid and debt cancellation for African countries.  Now I must say I am not against foreign aid, low interest loans nor technology transfers to poorer nations.  I just happen to be against foreign aid being misspent on African nations without a realistic vision for the future.

Celebrities tell us that we are not doing enough nor providing enough money for their newest pet project: aid to Africa.  U-2’s Bono among others criticize Canada for not providing more aid to African nations and has pressed Canadian politicians for more foreign aid.  At times they have been downright nasty when demanding more money.  These bozos do not realize that this money would be coming from your pocket and mine.

Let’s face it: Africa is a gulag.  Most of Africa’s leaders are corrupt, tyrannical despots.  Don’t blame colonialism for Africa’s political, social and economic chaos.  Before Europeans set foot on the African continent, well, things were actually worse.  Africans had neither a civilization nor written historic records south of the Sahara.  Colonialism is frequently equated to slavery.  Well long before Africans sold fellow Africans to Europeans in the slave markets of Africa they did so to Arabs and to other African tribesmen. 

Witness the situation in Darfur.  Moslem Africans sell Christian Africans into slavery to Moslem Arabs even today.  Also, Sudanese government backed Moslem Arab raiding parties frequently raid Christian villages, raping women and children to prepare them for the slave trade.  Cultural relativists would not obviously find anything wrong with this situation but most human beings, including moderate Moslem would find this behavior atrocious.

And you thought cannibalism in Africa is dead, did you?  Well, the jokes on you.  In the Congo, government and rebel troops frequently raid Mbuti pygmy jungle settlements for bush tucker which is either consumed outright or sold in the marketplace.  Don’t believe me?  Check out the United Nations’ report on cannibalism in the Congo.

Oh yes, don’t forget Africa’s own peacekeeping armies.  You see African nations don’t like others, especially Europeans or North Americans interfering in their local affairs which usually run the gamut of rigged elections to open genocide of their own people.  So unlike most other peacekeeping operations, Africans get African peacekeepers.  African peacekeepers are notorious for one thing more than any other: gang raping the victim nation’s women and children.

Take for example Nigerian “peacekeepers” in the Ivory Coast, a country plagued with internal strife where rebel armies and the government fight for control over the rich diamond fields.  The Nigerian army, while keeping the peace in the Ivory Coast, repeatedly gang raped, looted and murdered Ivory Coast citizens.  Nigeria one of the richest countries in Africa due to their oil reserves demands that the West forgive all its loans.  The same is true presently in the Congo where other African nations are keeping the “peace” by gang raping and looting the Congolese.  Neither are Ugandan, Tanzanian, nor Rwandan peacekeepers any different.

The growing number of AIDS cases in the Ivory Coast and the Congo is directly related to the presence of African peacekeepers who have spread AIDS in the areas under their control.  Within African armies the infection rate of the AIDS virus runs about 40-70%.  Such high infection rates within the military have a destabilizing effect on the nation.

A coalition of African nations has agreed to police Darfur region of Sudan.  Under the present deal in Sudan, this is exactly the future we have condemned the Christians of the Darfur region to, by buying in to the idea of African nationalism and its false pretenses.  The notorious undisciplined African peacekeeper, unleashed on the Christians of Darfur is another tragedy in the making.

Take almost any African nation’s military.  They are no more than a gang of paramilitary thugs who either prop up a tyrannical rÃ

Peter Gnanapragasam
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