And it makes them ridiculous! And unfit to govern! Am I right, Toronto Star and most every other old mainstream liberal media?
The left-wing (even though they don’t admit it on their pages) Toronto Star (which holds itself out as a fair and balanced newspaper), which nobody should pay attention to except to giggle at them and their far-left biased articles and columnists who call me and this web site “ultra-right” and “extreme” and “strident” and part of a “hatred front” and apparently just hideous in a general sense, could find nothing particularly good to say about their NDP (the you’ve got to be kidding party) officially booting out left-wing socialist/unionist Buzz Hargrove, for being a member of their Team Martin (whom they endorsed in the last election).
Man that was a confusing sentence. As I keep saying, being liberal is hard. Don’t blame me.
But strangely, they didn’t exactly portend the end of the entire left wing in Canada, in their article. This, in juxtaposition to how they portray the Conservative Party now that the suddenly important conservative bloggers have said nasties about the Harper cabinet appointments.
I don’t think it escaped the jokers at the Toronto Star that the NDP’s “give them the boot” television ad campaign isn’t over yet, or maybe it did. For future consideration, if the left manages to rebuild, maybe the you’ve got to be kidding party should adopt a rubber as their official mascot. Either kind.
The NDP has expelled Buzz Hargrove, the country’s most prominent labour leader, for actively promoting strategic voting and Liberal candidates in last month’s federal election.
The Ontario NDP provincial executive voted yesterday to pull the membership of Hargrove, president of the Canadian Auto Workers, for violating the party’s constitution regarding provisions against endorsing other candidates. It also automatically revokes his membership in the federal party.
“I was shocked and surprised,” said Hargrove, who has held an NDP membership card for 41 years. “I never had any warning that this was coming or being debated. I never had a chance to speak.”
I wonder if the NDP simply wants to hear supporters and never hear opposing voices? That’s what liberals keep telling me here in this forum when I ban them for ever-so-earnestly trying to have a “reasoned discussion” by coming to this web site like a bull in a china shop and calling me and all of us here a Nazi and wacked-out Christian idiot freak ass Bush ass-kisser Ann Coulter America-lover goof, in their ever-so famously liberal tolerant of all points of view way.
But at least they’re not “hypocrits”.
The NDP executive said he could regain his membership if he writes a letter indicating he would not endorse candidates for other parties again.
Funny—that’s sort of what I write in the comments when I ban a lefty for calling me a Nazi or a Jew-lover (see above), or for calling all conservatives here idiot morons and jackasses with their heads so far up their butts that they can’t see….. (see above).
Like Buzz, they never do apologize properly.
“Not a chance,” Hargrove said in an interview. “That won’t happen.”
But they usually go ahead and say that right before before calling me a Nazi censor and claiming that I don’t tolerate opposing views.
Buzz Hargrove is the man who said that the National Citizens Coalition (which, shhh, I’m a member of, wink) was a “secret society”. I think the NDP must surely fall into that same category now that he isn’t welcome there either.
Being liberal is hard, dammit.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm