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So much for the argument that Arabs don’t want democracy

The fantastic people of Iraq have shown incredible courage and strength of character in voting despite threats that their own blood would flow down the streets if they did.  Fortunately, most of those warnings were coming from liberals in the western mainstream media, academia and Hollywood, and from the cynical set in the political ranks—so the smart Iraqis simply ignored it and voted.

Liberals kept telling us Arabs don’t “want” democracy.  They kept telling us that America is “forcing it” on them.  What bunkum.  It appears that many Arabs on on-side when it comes to common sense.  It’s liberals who need to play catch-up. 

I’ll be a bit of a spoiler by quoting the last two paragraphs of this OpinionJournal editorial, but it’s still worth reading the rest:

Now that Iraqis have voted, the new line among American critics of the Iraq war is that “elections are not democracy.” Well, elections may not be sufficient for democracy but they are necessary. Everyone knows that struggle and compromises lie ahead if the new Iraq is going to succeed. But yesterday’s demonstration of courage and hope by millions of Iraqis belies those cynics who say Arabs and Muslims don’t want democracy.

As a certain American President said recently, the spread of freedom is essential to winning the war against terrorism. Some of America’s leading lights scowled and said that Mr. Bush was “over-reaching”; yesterday, millions of Iraqis offered a more eloquent rebuttal.

Joel Johannesen
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