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So, CTV, is your story a total lie, or what?

It seems they believe it just might be, since they give evidence to that effect (at the very end of course), yet they still maintain that headline anyway, as if they’ve chosen what they’ll believe despite the evidence.  That’s some funky news reporting. 

Relying on “reports” given by people they name things like “One senior official” and their apparently secret stories that are, well, not written up in a so-called “report”, to come to a conclusion that they even report that according to someone who would know, is all wrong and basically a lie, is bad enough.  But on top of that, they’re getting their information from a story in the Globe and Mail?  My my. That’s some hard investigative reporting, not! 

As always, this story is written by a Mr. “ News Staff”. 

Senior Tories asked to donate $1,000: report

Updated Wed. Jul. 25 2007 9:03 AM ET News Staff

Senior political staff in the Harper government say they are “not impressed” with a request from the Prime Minister’s Office to donate $1,000 to the Conservative party, according to a report.

The request, which is not an order, has sparked resentment among some of the supporters of the Prime Minister’s Office, The Globe and Mail reported in Wednesday’s edition.

One senior official, who agreed to make the donations, told The Globe that “The kids are not happy.’‘

The unnamed official added, “People really are not impressed.’‘

[Joel observes: OK we got it already: (a)  they are “not impressed” and (b) “The kids are not happy’’ and (c) “People really are not impressed.’‘]


But Harper spokeswoman Sandra Buckler dismissed suggestions the PMO has asked for contributions in any form.

“Not true. Categorically deny,’’ she told The Globe.

Buckler said it is up to individuals to decide whether they want to make donations.

“If people were going to donate to the party, that would be their decision and their decision only,” she said “If people elect to make a charitable donation, then it’s up to them.”

Let’s review:

CTV has not determined if any of this is true, but err on the side of it being true?

But here’s another thing:  The CPC calls me all the time.  Way too often, frankly, but that’s neither here nor there.  I certainly don’t work for them in any way, shape, or form.  I’m not even a member of the Party.  No, they call because I have donated money to them in the past.  They’re extremely good fund raisers.  They call people who have donated money to get more money.  That’s just smart fund-raising.  So they likely called on people who were hired by the CPC higher-ups, for that same reason—to hit on the likely donors.  They asked me for $200 last week.  Flat out asked for $200.  So I suppose they ask for more from people they can clearly identify as highly-paid people—$1000 in their case. 

So there’s no story even it it were true.  But it sure sounds awful, so “mission accomplished” once again for the liberal media.

They ought to do a big story on how Layton and his you’ve got to be kidding party get—or have gotten—so much of their cash.  Union members across the country are forced to (a) join unions and then (b) pay union dues, some of which until recently were sent directly to the you’ve got to be kidding party.  Now that unions are no longer allowed to donate directly, I’m pretty darn sure unions “ask” members to sign donation and membership cards.  The liberal media doesn’t care about that.

And I wonder how many corporate CEOs and presidents who run companies that are, like so many companies in Canada, totally or to some degree reliant upon the corporate welfare nanny-state of the various Liberal Party governments in this country, asked for money by the Liberal Party.  All of them, I’ll bet.  No investigation there?  No “report”?  No “unnamed informant” or “source” or better yet, “official”?  No.  Didn’t think so. 

Just last evening, I got the call that beats all, I figure.  This was a request for money that actually SHOULD be in the news:  The call was a typical sales call which was from the “Police Federation” (actual name was longer but I got those two words out of it. This was, essentially, the police, phoning me at home, and asking for me to give them money.  Now the fellow said it was for some youth programs and that’s all lovely, but the point remains: the police were phoning me at home to ask me for money.  That’s just wrong on so many levels I can’t even begin.  Suffice it to say, I said “no”, and told the rude a-hole who called me (I was assured he wasn’t a policeman—I asked) that not only would I not give them any money, I was going to file an official complaint.  Naturally I’m going to drive the speed limit and will try to have witnesses around me 24/7 though, after my heated exchange with the police “fund-raiser”.

The liberal media doesn’t care about that.

Joel Johannesen
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