Read this, then tell me which multi-billion-dollar multi-national environmentalist industry organization (hi David Suzuki!) had a poor corporate fund-raising quarter and needs to get a bump in government and liberal zealot anti-corporate funding. Because it’s one of them!
This “global warming is caused by humans…” mantra is becoming a hideous joke. The self-described environmentalists are spewing so much left-wing political hot air and gas that they, more than any other man-made source, are causing me to choke. The fact that all liberals agree with these people and repeat their mantra like little obedient soldiers is almost embarrassing for me to think about as a human. Just kidding! It makes me snigger at their idiocy.
Free markets and capitalism not only helps me and you breath more easily than people could years ago (contrary to their dogma), but on a personal level, aligning myself with free-market capitalists (and as far away from the liberal-left as possible) has enabled me to think more clearly too.
This story unwittingly shows once again the value of spreading freedom and capitalism throughout the world, because it literally clears the air.
HAHAHAHAHA…. it’s funny because it’s true…
This report was at the web site which—and I’m no techno-guru— I think runs on some o’ that man-made “electricity”. I added highlights to this snippet to help clear the air, which, apparently, is redundant because now it’s TOO CLEAR!
Our planet’s air has cleared up in the past decade or two, allowing more sunshine to reach the ground, say two studies in Science this week.
Reductions in industrial emissions in many countries, along with the use of particulate filters for car exhausts and smoke stacks, seem to have reduced the amount of dirt in the atmosphere and made the sky more transparent.
That sounds like very good news. But the researchers say that more solar energy arriving on the ground will also make the surface warmer, and this may add to the problems of global warming. More sunlight will also have knock-on effects on cloud cover, winds, rainfall and air temperature that are difficult to predict.
The results suggest that a downward trend in the amount of sunlight reaching the surface, which has been observed since measurements began in the late 1950s, is now over.
The researchers argue that this trend, commonly called ‘global dimming’, reversed more than a decade ago, probably following the collapse of communist economies and the consequent decrease in industrial pollutants.
The widespread brightening has remained unnoticed until now simply because there wasn’t enough data for a statistically significant analysis, says Martin Wild, an atmospheric scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and an author on one of the reports.
What’s this? Without Kyoto, industrial pollutants are decreasing? And that’s causing an increase in global warming? Oh my.
The vast majority of greenhouse gases are caused by…… nature. Humans cause an infinitesimal amount of greenhouse gas by comparison. Liberals get confused by this because in fact the vast majority of the other big earthly pollutant, “BS”, is caused by humans, almost entirely of the liberal-left persuasion. Hope I’ve cleared the air for y’all.
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