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SES poll tracks better than the others


Nik Nanos’ SES Research has a history of tracking voter preferences better than all the others, as best I can tell from watching these things carefully. For example SES called the recent Ontario election almost spot on, and the past federal election nearly spot on right to the decimal point.

SES released their latest last night, measuring whom Canadians (and Nation of Quebec folk) would choose as best Prime Minister.  I like how more people chose “None/Unsure” than Dion or Layton.  Only Harper got more “votes” than “None/Unsure”.  In the liberal media, if the Liberal or NDP leader were in Harper’s place in this poll, they’d gleefully headline it with “It’s [liberal-left leader] or nobody, for Canada!”, and then go on at length about how Canada’s Natural Governing Party™ is due to finally get back into power. 

Instead, this poll goes largely unreported or buried (and I’ve taken some time to look for it this morning—and I haven’t see it anywhere yet… Update: CORRECTION – and see poll graph below).  The liberals’ Globe and Mail is reporting on one of their own polls conducted by the polling firm they’ve contracted (together with their sisters at CTV), which is called something the Strategery Council of Liberal-Left Media Push Then Testing Its Effectiveness Over the Nimble Minds Polling Outfit.  Predictably, its results don’t bode nearly as well for Harper.

Here’s the latest SES Research National Survey, released just overnight.

Of the following individuals, who do you think would make the best Prime Minister? [Read and Rotate]

The number in parenthesis denotes the change from the previous SES Research Survey completed on August 4th, 2007.

Canada (N=1,004, MoE ± 3.1%, 19 times out of 20)
Stephen Harper 37% (+6)
Jack Layton 17% (-1)
Stephane Dion 13% (-10)
Gilles Duceppe 5% (-1)
Elizabeth May 3% (-2)
None/ Unsure 25% (+6)

Quebec (N=250, MoE ± 6.3%, 19 times out of 20)
Stephen Harper 41% (+17)
Gilles Duceppe 17% (-5)
Jack Layton 15% (-4)
Stephane Dion 11% (-4)
Elizabeth May 2% (+1)
None/ Unsure 14% (-5)

The detailed tables with the regional sub-tabs and methodology are posted on our website at:

Regarding the update/correction, above:  CNews reports on the SES poll and makes the topic their poll of the day.  Sun Media (CNews represents their newspapers’  online presence) co-sponsored the poll.  This Sun Media co-sponsorship wasn’t made clear in my email from SES Research. 


ALSO:  Sun Media’s Ottawa Sun columnist Greg Weston pontificates on it this morning. 

Sun Media’s Toronto Sun also fronts the above story with a headline I wish I thought of:


Other Sun Media publications naturally covered it with the Ottawa Sun also putting it on their front under the heading “Dion in Dumps”.

Joel Johannesen
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