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Sensible man makes offer of balance - to counter environmentalist religion teaching in schools

Michael Chernoff, a philanthropist and renowned corporate leader in Canada (which the liberal media therefore describes as an “oilman”) has made a stellar counter-offer of fairness and balance to Vancouver schools and their liberal-left clerics. 

The Vancouver School Board was caught this past Monday making what appears to me to be a sort of “backroom deal” to ensure that the pliable minds of Vancouver area students would be propagandized with the forced viewing of Al Gore’s hysterical environmentalist religion’s freak-out “documentary” called An Inconvenient Truth—all through a mysterious “donation” of untold copies of the film through a private foundation of sorts.  [READ MY BLOG ENTRY HERE]. 

Liberals want all signs of private corporations out of all schools no matter how much they help—but are all too eager to accept help in the form of liberal-leftist polemics. 

The church of liberalism’s clerics, the teachers, would ostensibly be allowed to decide on their own whether or not to show the film to students.  I just can’t imagine how they’d decide! 

But now the good Mr. Chernoff made an offer of free copies of the film The Great Global Warming Swindle, which has been mentioned at this site several times by myself, our columnists Ann Coulter and Salim Mansur, Steve Milloy, and more.   

Click HERE to read the article at the Vancouver Sun.
Click the picture to see this Vancouver Sun article bigger. 
Note the scare quotes around the words “other side”, which are used to make readers see the notion of any other side to the debate as simply silly!

I have been trying to get in contact with Mr. Chernoff to ensure that I can follow-up on this offer.

Joel Johannesen
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