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Secret Agenda Mysteriously Kept Secret

Many Canadians are so brainwashed by liberals that they no longer even recognize they’re liberal.  They mistakenly just think they’re normal. 

When we review the election campaign of 2004, we’ll largely ignore how the media chose to focus on huge nation-building issues like who’s best able to deliver the promise of allowing kids to get high on drugs by smoking pot freely, who’s not in favor of abortion, and homosexual marriage, and on the Conservatives who had the gall to question why Liberal child porn laws were allowed to remain weak, and how Conservatives are planning, secretly, to destroy the nation (the one they live in) through nefarious means they call a “scary”, “hidden agenda”.

The fact is, the Liberals and the media ask these questions and ignore the real questions because the Liberals and the media aren’t concerned about a conservative “secret agenda”, they’re concerned about the Conservative’s agenda not being secret.

Canadians are so liberal that they think CBS News is right wing media.  That’s how liberal they are.  Only conservatives would get the humor.  Canadians are so awash in liberal-speak, many no longer have a clue.

The mere mention of the possibility of getting Fox News Channel in Canada (still banned in Canada by the Liberal CRTC) was dismissed as hilarious and a joke by the Globe & Mail’s John Doyle, who has seen it in the very very evil United States.  He wrote that he hopes Fox News Channel will indeed be allowed into this country “so that we can all take a look, and get a laugh,” before they run away and go back to their evil country with their fox tails between their legs.  That brilliant remark, notwithstanding the fact that Fox News Channel is the most popular cable news channel in America—more popular than the liberal CNN, which Canadians are allowed to watch.

Calgary political scientist Lydia Miljan (who completed her political science Doctorate on media attitudes) once explained why the Canadian media doesn’t think of asking pertinent question of left-wing politicians, and partially forgave them.  She said:

“It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just that the media asks the questions, and those sorts of questions never occur to them. They’re different from the rest of us.”

They’re different only inasmuch as they are liberal, but yes, that’s different from some of the rest of us.  And I think they do think of not asking the questions.

After the 2000 Liberal election win, Globe and Mail columnist Hugh Winsor boasted that its “only undisputed winner”, aside from the Liberals, was “the media.”

The 2000 election was dotted with media land mines like the sands of Iraq.  Mines were triggered, he declared, entirely by the media itself, to generate “public apprehensions” and feed “secret agenda” accusations. 

That sounds familiar doesn’t it?  Spot the similarity with 2004.  The question of abortion has been asked 4 billion times—but only of Conservative candidate Stephen Harper.  Same with gay marriage.  Accusations by the Conservatives of a lax Liberal attitude by the Liberal-Left in Parliament on the child porn file was met with sneering condemnation of Conservative Stephen Harper who dared raise the “sensitive” issue —sensitive only to Liberals who found themselves on the defensive.  The media trumped-up the issue as a Conservative campaign flub—as their first muck-up in the campaign.

Sociologist Robert Lichter in the U.S. did some work on the issue of media bias and Lydia Miljan has carried it forward.  Through the 1980s, Lichter destroyed the myth of media objectivity by surveying media personnel on their social, moral and religious beliefs. Lichter discovered that at least 81 per cent of the news media had voted for the liberal presidential candidate in every election back to 1964—over a period when the American public was moving in a conservative direction.

He also found 90 per cent of them favored abortion, 76 per cent actively approved of homosexuality, and 53 per cent thought adultery was acceptable personal behavior.  Perhaps most decisively, 86 per cent seldom or never attended a church or synagogue.  And this is in the relatively more conservative U.S.A.

That these numbers are completely out of sync with Canadians would surprise not one conservative, but may raise at least a Left eyebrow among those on the Left—if only in secret.

Unlike the vast majority of their countrymen, Miljan found that only 42 per cent of Canadian journalists believe in any sort of god. Only 15 per cent make regular efforts to attend church services; and the median church attendance is less than once a year. A surprising number are lapsed Catholics who’ve “really moved away” from their faith.

“Journalists are much less religious than the general population, and they’re very distrustful of any religious authority,” she said.  “What’s strangest of all, they don’t seem to realize that having no religion is a value in itself, that it colours the way they look at the world.”

It’s no wonder they harp on Conservative candidate Stephen Harper and his rather typically Canadian attitude toward abortion and gay marriage—which is “fairly against it” but ready to accept the voice of the people.  Canadians are, at best, completely divided on the issue, unlike the journalists (and the socialist NDP candidates who are pro-abortions, to the point where they even ignore that many of them are done in private medical clinics which is suddenly perfectly acceptable to them).

But it’s more than simple godless journalist liberalism.  It’s a thought meme created and nurtured by the Liberal Party itself. 

Too Many Examples To List

  • The state-run Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) receives applications for cable distribution of two American broadcasters: the Playboy Network and the Eternal Word Television Network. The CRTC approves Playboy but denies the Christian EWTN, due to its “foreign influence”.  Again:  due to its “foreign influence”.

  • The state-run CRTC is stacked with Liberal Party appointees from top to bottom.  All TV and radio stations have to get permission to broadcast anything in Canada, by the CRTC. Canada does not have a free-market media, it is fully state regulated.  What you watch on TV is only what the CRTC will allow you to watch.

  • The state-run CRTC has allowed licenses for broadcasters to broadcast the liberal CNN as well as CNBC, CNN Headline News, and the liberal BBC.  But an application to broadcast Fox News Channel (delightfully dubbed an ultra-right-wing joke by liberals) has been denied.  A new application has been made and has been pending for months—perhaps they’re awaiting the end of the 2004 election, so that Fox News Channel won’t be able to pollute Canadian minds by happily revealing the hitherto “secret” conservative agenda being broadcast all over the land. 

  • A reader reported to me seeing, on state-run CBC-TV, a Christmas comedy special showing Christ uttering vulgarities from the Cross, and reportedly the public broadcaster ignores complaints.

  • A reader reported to me seeing, on State-run CBC-TV, a get out the youth vote message prior to the 2004 election, with a television segment in which a horrid rock band yells to the viewing kids, “F*** the vote!”.

    “There are exceptions, but in general, media people are different from the rest of us,” Lydia Miljan repeats.

    The matter of Liberal dogma feeding the thoughts and minds of Canadians raises the question of whether the tail is wagging the dog or the other way around.

    But the fact that the Liberal Party has appointed nearly all of the executives and top staff at both the state-run CBC and at the CRTC helps explain the matter.  Don’t leave aside the fact that most every government agency, department, crown corporation, Supreme Court, film, radio, and all cultural agencies and most every facet of Canadian life is deluged with Liberal appointees who promulgate the Liberal mantra.

    Executive Director of the Canada Family Action Coalition Brian Rushfeldt remarked that when it comes to anti-right-wing Liberal rhetoric on matters such as culture, abortion and gay marriage, he agrees that “It’s not really a plot. Being anti-Christianity just seems reasonable to them, to the artists and the public officials who fund them. So when Hedy Fry, Elinor Caplan and Sheila Copps say things clearly biased and unfair about Christians, media people don’t call them on it, because they just don’t see it as bigotry.”

    They don’t even know they’re liberal any more.  They just think they’re normal.  And they think their job is to keep Canadians in line.  If you don’t agree with them, you’re not even Canadian.  You’re unCanadian. 

    In a revealing look at how Liberal Party corruption is seen as perfectly acceptable to fellow Liberals, David Asper, owner of Canwest Global, hilariously chastised the entire Canadian media when they were forced by the constant badgering of Conservatives to cover the story that Jean Chretien was caught intervening on behalf of his friends in his Shawinigan riding—a matter which later became known as “Shawinigate”.  He said:

    “Parroting the single tune of a desperate-for-attention [Conservative] Joe Clark and repeating other factual information over and over as though such repetition will yield some new truth, the attacks on the [Liberal] PM seriously violate any notion of civil rights regarding the role and burden of an accused.”

    Mr. Asper also said it was “a sad comment that our national political affairs have been hijacked by mischievous, unfair scandal-mongering as opposed to things that really count.”

    Come again?

    He also made sure all Canadians heard his hilariously ironic remarks by mandating that all of his newspapers, which blanket Canada, had to print his comments in their Op-Ed pages.  All of them.  Had to.

    The Liberal-Left always deny that the media is liberal, but Mr. Asper’s father, Izzy, was a well-known Liberal Party supporter and friend of Liberal Prime Ministers.

    It should be noted that Canwest Global owns most of the popular media in Canada, including, for example, both of the major newspapers in Vancouver, and one of Vancouver’s most popular TV stations. The other big one is a CTV channel, then of course there’s a CBC channel or more like three or four of them.

    Ivan Fecan, the chief executive officer of Bell Globemedia Inc., which controls the CTV television network, and the Globe & Mail newspaper, chaired the Liberals’ big fundraising dinner in Toronto after the 2000 election, and introduced the Prime Minister with praise.

    That certainly takes care of Vancouver’s Liberalizing needs.  But as we all know, between the CBC, CTV, and CanWest Global, the Liberals completely cover and dominate the entire media available in Canada. 

    Where is the right-wing, conservative view in Canada?  Well, many liberals point with a scathing sneering hatred toward the National Post, which certainly gained a quick and respected reputation as a conservative-minded newspaper after it started, but it is now also owned by CanWest Global.  There is no right-wing point of view aside from what remains of the excellent columnists at the Post and a select few others such as Michael Campbell at the Vancouver Sun.

    How long do you think it will take, under those conditions, for the average Canadian to start to think that to be “normal”, is to be “Liberal”?  To be Canadian, is to be Liberal.  And how will this election turn out, despite the biggest political corruption scandal in the history of Canada perpetrated by the governing Liberal Party?

    And who will be the real winner again?

    Re-edited in June 2006 for accuracy and links

    By Joel Johannesen

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