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Scary information about the state-run CBC from

The Liberals don’t have any hidden agendas.  No.  They’re trying to, you know, run away with our nation and yes, it does read a lot like George Orwell’s “1984”—but it’s not a hidden agenda.  No.  And no, despite me saying it over and over, Canada’s liberal-left are not Fabian socialists.  It can’t be true because so many Canadians believe in them.  So I must be wrong.  See?  They got me too now!  I’m under their magical spell of awesome “progressive”-think, just like the rest of the country!

Our friend John from the good sent me this.  Read this well-linked post from his site to get your blood boiling, and read it while thinking of “1984”: 

How does CBC news bias get amplified daily and over time?
May 3, 2005

Here’s how:

1. Competing private newspaper circulation, save a few, continues to deteriorate and dwindle.

2. Newspapers, to make up subscriber shortfall, are limiting access and are going behind subscriber only firewalls.

3. CBC News remains firewall and subscriber free for the most part. It benefits from the increase in non paying traffic diverted from the firewalled newspapers.

4. CBC selectively posts certain news story content and the importance does not reflect actual newscasts.  Discretion for content is up to the activist staff of Ken Wolff.  Balance or viewpoint diversity statute requirements do not apply to online content but remember the “unique strengths and values of CBC journalism”:  Left and lefter.

5. In addition, CBC specially selects archived content that meets its self-selected socialist criteria.  This content does not paint an accurate picture of historical Canadian debate and viewpoints, much like daily CBC favours certain viewpoints and outcomes.  Over time the bias becomes false historical record.

6. CBC hooks the school kids early on CBC news ‘light’ thanks to CBC newspaper.  It already exists in the CBC website.

8. Presto, a recipe for increased exposure to CBC’s biased content made simple. 

9.  The Senate committee investigating the state of the Canadian media refuses to hear from CBC critics.  Someone should tell the clerk of the committee, Till Heyde ([email protected]), before the committee shuts down, that he would be wise to schedule a witness like Lydia Miljan.  You see Lydia Miljan and Barry Cooper actually studied the media bias and bias of the CBC.  One would think that a committee investigating serious media diversity issues might call upon the experts out of the 200 or so witnesses called while hopping across Canada.  Credibility of the committee’s final report would seriously be undermined if it were to propose any additional CBC funding or assistance to the government and it was found after the fact that the clerk and steering members continued to actively exclude serious CBC critics as witnesses.

The kicker –  ALL Canadian taxpayers are on the hook for the bill!


Then read this column called “Secret Agenda Mysteriously Kept Secret”  I wrote a about a year ago.  It alludes to Lydia Miljan and her studies of liberal bias in the media.  Clearly, an expert in her field. 

Here’s some of the parts that mention her specifically, and it’s not just about the CBC but the media in general, in her effort to explain why they are different from the rest of us:

Calgary political scientist Lydia Miljan (who completed her political science Doctorate on media attitudes) once explained why the Canadian media doesn’t think of asking pertinent question of left-wing politicians, and partially forgave them.  She said:

“It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just that the media asks the questions, and those sorts of questions never occur to them. They’re different from the rest of us.”

They’re different only inasmuch as they are liberal, but yes, that’s different from some of the rest of us.  And I think they do think of not asking the questions.

After the 2000 Liberal election win, Globe and Mail columnist Hugh Winsor boasted that its “only undisputed winner”, aside from the Liberals, was “the media.”

The 2000 election was dotted with media land mines like the sands of Iraq.  Mines were triggered, he declared, entirely by the media itself, to generate “public apprehensions” and feed “secret agenda” accusations. 

[…] Sociologist Robert Lichter in the U.S. did some work on the issue of media bias and Lydia Miljan has carried it forward.  Through the 1980s, Lichter destroyed the myth of media objectivity by surveying media personnel on their social, moral and religious beliefs. Lichter discovered that at least 81 per cent of the news media had voted for the liberal presidential candidate in every election back to 1964—over a period when the American public was moving in a conservative direction.

He also found 90 per cent of them favored abortion, 76 per cent actively approved of homosexuality, and 53 per cent thought adultery was acceptable personal behavior.  Perhaps most decisively, 86 per cent seldom or never attended a church or synagogue.  And this is in the relatively more conservative U.S.A.

That these numbers are completely out of sync with Canadians would surprise not one conservative, but may raise at least a Left eyebrow among those on the Left—if only in secret.

Unlike the vast majority of their countrymen, Miljan found that only 42 per cent of Canadian journalists believe in any sort of god. Only 15 per cent make regular efforts to attend church services; and the median church attendance is less than once a year. A surprising number are lapsed Catholics who’ve “really moved away” from their faith.

“Journalists are much less religious than the general population, and they’re very distrustful of any religious authority,” she said.  “What’s strangest of all, they don’t seem to realize that having no religion is a value in itself, that it colours the way they look at the world.”

It’s one thing for journalists to be liberal, but for your government to ensure that that’s all you see, hear, live, and breathe—that’s just scary.

But at least there’s no bias at the CBC, and the CBC is fair and balanced.  And at least the CRTC division of the Liberal Party and the Senate division of the Liberal Party are on top of this.  So don’t worry.  There’s nothing going on here.  You can continue to safely vote liberal.  They’re not trying to infiltrate into every pore of your being.  No hidden agenda here.  Nope.

Joel Johannesen
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