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Savage terrorists use willing civilian women as human shields; But liberals say Bush is the threat

Toronto Star liberal-left toilet paper As if to prove that they are in fact anti-American, Canada’s disgraceful anti-American liberals and their media are falling over themselves today reporting with barely disguised glee the crazed poll conducted by leftist media outlets in four countries (the leftist Toronto Star in Canada—enough said).  It reportedly suggests that according to them, President George Bush and America in general is as great a threat to the world as Osama bin Laden, Iran’s nutbar President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, savage terrorist human shield user Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (Lebanon), the clearly insane President and dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung Il, and the actual such nutbar administrations as Venezuela’s communist nutbar. 

Liberals in Canada actually believe this stuff?  And they want to lead Canada?  They do surveys like this… why? Personally, I would make every attempt to salvage my credibility and show that I had some sanity left by distancing myself from this kind of tripe as much as possible.  But not liberals.  They boast about the findings as if it validates and gives credence to their anti-Americanism.

Liberal-leftist Canadians actually think they belong to a superior race or class of humans—different, better than—Americans.

But aside from guessing just what level of crazed anti-American perfidy would induce these lousy agenda-driven liberal-left media outlets to conduct such a poll, I wonder why they and all liberals don’t just come right out and openly declare that President George Bush, Republicans, and America in general are terrorist organizations.  There’s nothing more annoying than their incessant “nuance” which in actual fact is just pantywaist cowardice.  They constantly imply that America is evil, but rarely actually have the balls to come out and say it. 

Of course they then ought to demand that the Canadian government declare those organizations to be officially recognized as a terrorists, as they have with terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.  Thereafter, all travel to and from America would naturally have to stop.  And all trade would stop or would at best be ruinously strangled and delayed by months.  Liberal Canadians could start by personally abandoning any material goodies that are even remotely American, immediately. 

We’ll see how long that lasts.  Oh hi there, liberals.  Didn’t last long, did it?

Meanwhile, the liberal media is really barely reporting this story below about the Israeli Defence Forces shooting at civilian women in the Gaza, which I suspect is because it reveals the savagery of the actual terrorists of the world (in this case in the Palestinian-occupied Gaza in Israel)—the actual mindset and the actual face of actual evil. 

Two Palestinian women die serving as human shields for gunmen

Two Palestinian women were killed by Israeli fire on Friday after hundreds of women answered a call for human shields to protect gunmen holed up in a Gaza mosque, news agencies reported.

The women’s presence outside the mosque allowed the gunmen to escape, ending a 19-hour standoff with Israeli soldiers in tanks and armoured personnel carriers.

Two women died and at least 10 were wounded, while at least two gunmen fled in the guise of veiled women, the Associated Press said in a report from the town of Beit Hanoun.

The Israeli army said troops spotted militants hiding among the women and opened fire.

As the women rushed away, men in women’s clothes were seen in the crowd and jubilant bystanders embraced them, celebrating their escape, AP said.

Israeli forces had seized Beit Hanoun on Wednesday in a bid to stop militants from firing crude rockets at nearby Israeli towns.

What the incurably liberal newspapers and liberalvision like CTV and socialistvision like CBC can’t even pretend to explore, though, in order to maintain their agenda-driven reporting, is the idea that liberals in Canada have become so arrogant and cavalier that saying they think George Bush is a “terrorist” or a “war criminal” or a “threat to the world” is simply trendy—it’s de rigueur—it’s cool to say on the cocktail circuit and while smoking their pot.  And worse, they can’t admit that it’s proof that their audience is now so blinkered by the liberal-leftism being thrust on them in the media, academia, and entertainment industry (to say nothing of their political masters), that they don’t even take actual threats and actual evil seriously anymore.  It’s all relative—it’s all “a matter of opinion”.  They play this all like it’s a game. 

And they want liberals to lead this country?  I find it unfathomably stupid to even consider giving them the chance.

Joel Johannesen
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